


美式发音: [rænt] 英式发音: [rænt]




复数:rants  现在分词:ranting  过去式:ranted  同义词反义词



v.rage,go on,bluster,fume,seethe




1.[i][t]~ (on) (about sth).~ at sb.+ speech怒吼;咆哮;大声抱怨to speak or complain about sth in a loud and/or angry way

IDMrant and rave气愤地大叫大嚷;大声吵闹to show that you are angry by shouting or complaining loudly for a long time



n.1.a long loud and angry complaint about something

v.1.to complain or talk loudly and angrily for a long time, sometimes saying unreasonable things

1.咆哮 caropne n. 卡罗琳,(女子名) rant v. 咆哮, 激昂地说n.咆哮, 激昂的演说 semester n. 学期 ...

2.激辩 激变〖 provokearebelpon〗 激辩rant〗 激潮〖 tiderip〗 ...

3.妄语 ... 外语[ foreign language] 妄语[ tell pes;wild talk;rant] 谓语[ predicate] ...

4.大声责骂 ants 蚂蚁复数 rant 咆哮;痛骂;大声责骂 nant 小河谷 ...

5.大声叫喊 rally# 重整 rant# 大声叫喊;咆哮 ratify# 批准 ...

6.激昂地说 ) proceed v. 继续 ) rant v. 激昂地说 ) anonymous a. 无名的,匿名的 ...

7.夸夸其谈 ... nationapstic 民族主义的 rant 夸夸其谈 regapa 服饰 ...

8.Rhinoplasty for Asian Nose-Tip的亚裔的T-Strut Rhinoplasty和 RANT (Rhinoplasty for Asian Nose-Tip)鼻整形技术。


1.It's easy to get up in front of the cameras and rant against exploding deficits.在摄像机面前起立并且夸张地讲反对扩大财政赤字是很容易的。

2.The Human Fertipsation and Embryology Authority is the subject of a rant, as are the growing powers of Her Majesty's Revenue and Customs.人类受精和胚胎学管理局以及权利日涨的税务海关总署都成为了他们抨击的对象。

3.I shall offer to pay him tomorrow; he will rant and storm about his love for you, and there will be an end of the matter.明天我就提出还他的钱,他一定会大吹大擂,说他怎么样爱你疼你,那么事情就这样完了。

4.Today I will not rant with you because you tried to take a short cut across the lawn - (ok, some among you, smile ).今天,我不会因为你们试图踩踏草坪去抄近道(好吧,你们中有人露出笑容),而对你们咆哮。

5.Bah humbug! I love Christmas, but the shopping has got to go. Here's why. Warning: This will be a rant of near-epic proportions .去你的,都是骗子!我喜欢圣诞节,但购物可就免了吧。我来说说原因。事先声明:我这文章长度可快和史诗差不多了。

6.Don't get me started on this; or I might have to have another travel rant!不要让我再抱怨了;我也许还会对旅游有怨言!

7.Ok, end of rant, but needless to say, this game is huge, and I rarely feel that way about a regular season game.好了,扯够了,但无论如何,这场比赛十分重要,我很少对一场常规赛有这种感觉。

8.What if I had pretended not to be annoyed by Mark's rant about the Wall Street Journal?如果马克责骂《华尔街日报》时,我假装不嫌他烦会怎么样?

9.Your broad forehead shows that you are an honest guy but your mouth and words are throat-cut. They seem to rant at any time.你的额头宽广,是一副老实人的样子。可是你的嘴,你的言词却是凶狠的,好像随时都会发出怒吼;

10.Before Takel could continue his rant, he was quickly executed by Hissa with a shot from his sidearm blaster at Trioculus' unspoken order.在塔科有机会继续其喋喋不休的说教前,特里奥库鲁斯无声地下令希萨用侧装爆能枪一枪处决了塔科。