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网络释义:熊战士;大学记录系统接入(University Records System Access);原因不明反复自然流产



1.熊战士 赏金猎人 BH 熊战士 Ursa 矮人直升机 AV ...

2.大学记录系统接入(University Records System Access) npc_dota_hero_undying 不朽尸王 npc_dota_hero_ursa 乌尔萨-熊战士 npc_dota_hero_vengefulspirit 复仇之 …


1.Probably the best known constellation , the stars of Ursa Major make up the Great Bear and the Big Dipper .可能是最有名的星座,大熊座的星星组成了一个大熊和大勺。

2.In the night sky, most noticeable are the stars of Ursa Major and the asterism known as the Big Dipper.夜空中最有名的要数大熊座和北斗七星

3.The best place to start is where my grandfather did, with the Great Bear (or Ursa Major).最佳的起点正是我祖父的选择:大熊星座。

4.A constellation in the Northern Hemisphere in the large space between Ursa Major, Ursa Minor, and Perseus.鹿豹座:北天球上位于大熊座、小熊座和英仙座之间巨大空间上的一个星座。

5.On the left is M97 in the constellation Ursa Major, also known in the northern hemisphere as the Owl Nebula.左边是M97在大熊座,又称北半球的夜枭星云。

6.Explanation: Big and beautiful spiral galaxy M81 pes in the northern constellation Ursa Major.说明:庞大而美丽的旋涡星系M81位于北方大熊座内。

7.of northern regions; from the seven stars (or seven plowing oxen) of Ursa Major.关于北部地区的;来自大熊星座的七颗星(或北斗七星)。

8.Explanation: Nearly 50 milpon pght-years away in the constellation Ursa Major, NGC 4013 was long considered an isolated island universe.说明:位于大熊座,距离地球五千万光年远的NGC4013,长久以来一直被认为是个孤立的宇宙岛。

9.The answer is that, if you're seeing only one dipper, it's probably the Big Dipper in the constellation Ursa Major.答案是,如果你只看到一个,那很有可能是大熊星座。

10.Also called the North Star, Polaris is the brightest dot in the constellation Ursa Minor.北极星也被称作NorthStar,是小熊座最亮的一颗星。