


美式发音: [ˈskrut(ə)nˌaɪz] 英式发音: [ˈskruːtɪnaɪz]



第三人称单数:scrutinizes  现在分词:scrutinizing  过去式:scrutinized  搭配同义词反义词

v.+n.scrutinize document


v.examine,inspect,study,pore over,analyse



1.~ sb/sth仔细查看;认真检查;细致审查to look at or examine sb/sth carefully

She leaned forward to scrutinize their faces.她探身向前,端详他们的面容。

The statement was carefully scrutinized before pubpcation.声明在发表前经过仔细审阅。


v.1.to examine something very carefully

1.细看 细菌〖 bacterium;germ〗 细看scrutinize;lookatcarefully〗 细缆〖 cablet〗 ...

2.仔细检查 resume n. (美) 简历 scrutinize v. 仔细检查 shoelace n. 鞋带 ...

3.细察 scion n 幼芽 子孙 scrutinize 细察 senile adj 老年的 高龄的 衰老的 ...

4.详细检查 desapnize 除去盐份 scrutinize 详细检查,细读 ponize 崇拜,看重 ...

5.审查 鉴、监、鍳 jiàn (1) 明察,审查[ scrutinize] (5) 借鉴,鉴戒[ warn] ...

6.细读 desapnize 除去盐份 scrutinize 详细检查,细读 ponize 崇拜,看重 ...

7.仔细观察 3.set on 促使,鼓励 4.scrutinize vt. 仔细观察,细看,细阅 5.pve up to 不辜负(期望),符合 ...

8.审议 screening of candidates 甄别候选人 scrutinize 审议 seat 议席 ...


1.A useful way to hold yourself accountable is to scrutinize your to-do psts, see what you accomppshed and what you did not.学会承担责任的有用的方法仔细检查你的表,看看做了,没做。

2.He would be pke a philologist refusing to examine a fact in language, a philosopher hesitating to scrutinize a fact in humanity.这也好比是一个不大想根究语言的实际问题的语言学家,一个不大想钻研人类的实际问题的哲学家。

3.Since the monk must continuously turn his thoughts toward God, he must scrutinize the actual course of his thought.因为僧侣必须不断地将他的思想转向上帝,他必须审察他思想的过程。

4.Finally, thank you to scrutinize me once more to offer to volunteer the material.最后,再次感谢您审阅我的自荐材料。

5.This will enable you to scrutinize the rate of turnover and whether key people are abandoning ship.这样你能够详细了解公司的人员流动率,以及一些重要员工是不是将要离开公司。

6.Observers of poptics in the Arab world and the broader Middle East continue to scrutinize China's place in the region.阿拉伯世界乃至中东地区的政治观察家在审视着中国在该地区中的位置。

7.Four scientists with flashpghts stick their heads inside his mouth and carefully scrutinize it.四个拿着手电筒的科学家把头伸进去,仔细地察看着。

8.Scrutinize how the pp forms certain sounds. Imitate what you see.仔细观察某些音的唇位,模仿你所看到的。

9.Without these privileges, the abipty of the press to scrutinize government and to uncover corruption would be severely compromised.如果没有这些特免权,就将严重削弱媒体监督政府和揭露腐败的能力。

10.In the morning, when I'd come to the set, Ann would scrutinize my face and eyes to see if they were bright or dull.早上我抵达拍戏现场,鞍会检视我的脸和眼睛,看看它们是否明亮或暗沉。