


英文单词:用户需求说明书(user requirement specification);乌尔斯(Ursus);输尿管镜(ureteroscope)


1.用户需求说明书(user requirement specification) 感觉学( Sensology) 乌尔斯Urs) 《昼与夜》( Day & Night) ...

3.输尿管镜(ureteroscope)输尿管镜取石输尿管镜URS)可作为重要的辅助治疗,对难以定位的阴性结石、小结石,或嵌顿太久、患肾功能极差的大结 …


1.urs a day, and that most of his inventions were the results of hundreds of experiments.常常一天工作二十小时,而他的发明大多是数百次试验的结果。

2.Urs, what are you doing here? I've been trying to call you.乌苏拉?你怎么会在这儿?我一直打电话找你

3.Mr. Urs Wuthrich, General Manager of the hotel. Started his career in Asia since 1980 with the Ramada Midtown Hotel in Manila.酒店总经理卫大利先生,1980年于马尼拉的华美达城中酒店开始其在亚洲的酒店职业生涯。

4.All these questions are addressed in an exciting new study performed in Switzerland and led by Thomas Baumgartner and Urs Fischbacher.这些问题都在瑞士的托马斯·鲍姆加特纳和乌尔斯·菲施巴赫一项令人振奋的新研究中得到了阐述。

5.The 2005 URS study concluded that the results of the chemical soil testing are generally below the Dutch intervention values (DIV).2005年URS进行的研究显示,土壤化学测试结果普遍低于荷兰干预值(DIV)。

6.The numbering system used in the URS contents template match the sections by number in the JETT URS blank template.URS内容模板中所用的编号系统与JETURS空白模板的章节编号相匹配。

7.Facility and utility URS preparation and perform commissioning works.厂房与共用设施用户需求标准的准备和进行试运行工作;

8.U always say that I am ur daughter so miner all urs , but you don't care how I feel.你总是说我是你的女儿,所以我的一切都是你的,但是你并不关心我的感觉。

9.We have considered all these comments and took on board certain comments in finalising the URS that we are publishing today.在考虑了所有收到的意见后,我们已把部分建议纳入今日公布的《市区重建策略》内。

10.Review the design drawing according to customer's URS or technical specifications.依照客户的用户需求或技术参数表,审核设计图纸。