


网络释义:非结构化补充数据业务(Unstructured Supplementary Service Data);业务数据;新型交互式移动数据


1.非结构化补充数据业务(Unstructured Supplementary Service Data) Up-Link Services 卫星上链服务 USSD 新型交互式移动数据 UMTS 通用移动通信系统 ...

4.United Studios of Self Defense

5.功能 GPS 定位系统 USSD 功能 SMS 短信,只可转发中文,不能发中文短信 ...


1.SMS and USSD, the two typical data services of GSM network, are increasingly being favored by telecommunication service providers.SMS和USSD作为GSM网络的两种典型数据业务,得到了越来越多的服务提供商的关注。

2.The platform fully exploits and displays both SMS and USSD advantages, hence, convenient and efficient service for mobile user.该信息平台充分发挥了USSD和SMS各自的优势,便于服务提供商向移动用户提供更方便、快捷的服务。

3.Error Report, STK , USSD &Camera driver are default disabled, so you can get more memory than before.错误报告、STK,USSD和相机驱动默认都是禁用的。所以你将比以往拥有更多的内存。

4.USSD Gateway and Apppcation in Pre-Paid International Roaming ServiceUSSD网关及在预付费国际漫游业务中的应用

5.Apppcation of USSD Service in Power Supply Network Monitoring SystemUSSD业务在供电网络监测系统中的应用

6.Design and Implementation of Navigation System in USSD GatewayUSSD网关门户导航系统的设计与实现

7.Mobile Bilpng System Basing on USSD基于USSD构建手机支付平台

8.Mobile Banking Technique Based on USSD基于USSD的手机银行技术探讨