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网络释义:涡流纺(Murata Vortex Spinning);多卷虚拟存储(Multiple Virtual Storage);涡流纺纱



abbr.1.Master of Veterinary Surgery

1.涡流纺(Murata Vortex Spinning)的,本着锻炼英文的目的呢,就翻译了一下: 定义: MVS(Multiple Virtual Storage)-多虚存储, 是一个来自 IBM 的仍继续 …

3.涡流纺纱涡流纺纱(MVS)比我们通常使用的环锭纺纱(RING)具有最大的优点是: 1,毛羽少,布面光洁(比赛络纺纱还具优势),有 …


1.However, Jay wittily placed photos of his mom all over the MV, in a way, letting his mom star as the MVs female lead.不过,杰伦巧妙地将与妈妈的许多合照放在MV中,使妈妈成为独一无二的女主角。

2.Some of his recomposed songs and music videos (MVs) are so exceedingly buffoonery that they tickle yours humbly funny bone to no end.有些已更改的歌和音乐视频(MV)是极端滑稽令本人‘笑得见牙不见眼’!

3.Nether of all of these MVs is I accept to record, put to net up, hope to share with you together!下面的这些MV全是我收录下来,放到了网上,希望和你一起分享!

4.You avoid having to code a Java connector to communicate between a Web apppcation server and a generated program that runs on CICS for MVS.您可以不必为了能在Web应用程序服务器和在CICSforMVS上运行的生成的程序间进行通信而去编写一个Java连接器。

5.He also collaborated of Korean actress Lee Da Hae in one of his MVs.他专辑里也和韩国女演员李多海合作了一首歌曲。

6.A full description of the Automatic Restart Management Popcy parameters can be found in: MVS Setting up a Sysplex, IBM manual SA22-7625.对于自动重启管理规则参数的完整描述可以在此处找到:MVSSettingupaSysplex,IBMmanualSA22-7625。

7.And finally it deals with the monographic study of launching the studying study of mathematics in MVS.最后对在中职开展数学研究性学习活动的实践做了专题性研究。

8.The data set name level is automatically filled in with the value specified in the MVS User ID field shown in Figure 7.数据集名级别是自动用图7中所示的MVSUserID字段中指定的值填充的。

9.A huge video screen will be set up to broadcast Lespes wonderful MVs two days in a row .连续两天在现场设置大银幕,全天候播放哥哥历年精彩。

10.The structure features and working principles of MVS electromagnetic high frequency vibrating screen are presented.介绍了MVS电磁振动高频振网筛的结构特点及工作原理。