




1.菜市场 市 场 market 菜市场 vegetable market 批发市场 terminal market ...

2.蔬菜市场 152. 回家度假 go home for hopday 153. 蔬菜市场 vegetable market 154. 卖菜 sell vegetables ...

3.蔬菜市场图片 ... 图片 Yacon 蔬菜市场图片 vegetable market 草莓图片 Strawberry #1 ...

4.去菜场 ... 从桥上过: The bridge is on the river. 去菜场vegetable market 回家: We'll go home. ...

5.蔬果市集 Produce market 农产品市集 Vegetable market 蔬果市集 Flower market 花市集 ...


1.Games took place in different places, from the intimacy of the place of the pving room, noisy environment and vegetable market.游戏发生在不同的地方,从亲昵的地点到起居的房间、嘈杂的环境和蔬菜市场。

2.He and his wife also adopted a Chinese girl who was abandoned in a vegetable market in the eastern city of Yangzhou.他和夫人还收养了一个被遗弃在扬州一个菜市场中的中国女孩。

3.Meanwhile, there was a bombing in a vegetable market in Baghdad's mainly Shi'ite district of Sadr City, with dozens of casualties.同时,在巴格达萨德尔城的主要什叶派地区的一个菜场也发生了一起爆炸,死伤许多人。

4.Accompany her to the vegetable market; if she is not ept in managing home and family, remember to teach her.和她去菜市场买菜,如果她不会居家,记得教会她。

5.around the vegetable market in convenient five-minute walk to the sea-Qin Li Kwan Square, extremely convenient.周围菜市场方便,五分钟步行到海琴利群广场,方便至极。

6.At my job, the workspace is also pretty small and it's next to a busy vegetable market. I love that!我工作的地方空间也很小,也正好在一个热闹的菜场旁边。我喜欢这样的环境。

7.Then, the sound uttered a sigh: "Oh -" "I hate -" class into a vegetable market.接着,发出一声声叹息:“唉——”“真讨厌——”刹时全班变成菜市场。

8.Every morning, hundreds of shoppers descend on the open-air fruit and vegetable market near the Workers' Stadium in central Beijing.每天早上,成百上千的人们熙熙攘攘的挤在北京工体旁边的水果菜市场。

9.[Similarly, ] last month an 88-year-old man fell over face down at the entrance of a vegetable market near his home.同样的,上个月,一位88岁的老人迎面跌倒在他家附近的菜市场入口处。

10.It is market day at Findiq Market, Benghazi's largest vegetable market. Business is good despite fighting a few hundred kilometers away.虽然二百公里外战火隆隆,但是反政府武装重镇班加西最大的蔬菜市场芬迪克市场却生意兴旺。