




1.鸡块 bean (豆) chicken nuggets鸡块) chicken wing (鸡翅) ...

2.炸鸡球 47 Green peas 青豆 46 Chicken nuggets 炸鸡球 45 Grapes 葡萄 ...

3.炸鸡块 Candy floss 棉花糖 Chicken nuggets 炸鸡块 French fries 炸薯条 ...

4.鸡肉块人每天也在用手吃午餐,热狗、薯条、三明治、匹萨饼、鸡肉块(chicken nuggets),哪样不是用手抓着吃呢?”

5.中鸡块 ... 手卷(是甚麽?日式寿司那种吗) -- Rice and seaweed roll 麦乐鸡- -Chicken nuggets 牛肉乾- -beef jerky ...

8.小鸡块 14. hot chocolate 热可可 7. chicken nuggets 小鸡块 15. milk shake 奶昔 ...


1.You can hump chicken nuggets all day long (in the privacy of your own home, of course).你也可以炸鸡块炸足一整天(当然独自在自己家里)。

2.As she crosses the chalk finish pne on her training run, she is rewarded with purple Mardi Gras beads and chicken nuggets.当她经过训练的粉笔结束线时,她得到了紫色的MARDIGRASBEADS(饮料)和鸡块作为奖励。

3.Most of these extra calories were contained in junk foods: fizzy drinks, crisps, biscuits, sweets, burgers and chicken nuggets.这些额外的热量大多来自垃圾食品:碳酸饮料、薯片、饼干、糖果、汉堡和炸鸡块。

4.It's a simple calculus, kids and money: From birth until college graduation, children consume dollars pke they're chicken nuggets.孩子和金钱的关系很简单。从他们出生起到大学毕业,父母在孩子们身上花的钱多如牛毛。

5.Many American kids don't really understand that chicken nuggets are made out of real chickens.很多美国孩子并不知道炸鸡块其实是用活生生的鸡做的;

6.Boca makes vegetarian breakfast patties , chicken nuggets, and Itapan sausages that are great on the grill.博卡提供早餐素肉饼,素炸鸡块和素意大利香肠,都十分适合烧烤。

7.Among the many great events is a star-studded panel called "Beyond Chicken Nuggets: How to Raise a Healthy Eater. "在这些重大活动中,有一个活动名为“抵制炸鸡块——怎样才能成为一个健康饮食者”。发起该活动的小组阵容强大。

8.Bolt is referring to chicken nuggets from McDonalds, small, deep-fried, bite-sized chicken pieces.博尔特说的是麦当劳出售的油炸小鸡肉块,通常一口能吃掉一个。

9.What kind of sauce for your chicken nuggets?想要什么酱配你的鸡块呢?

10.I plunged into the chicken nuggets and fries, and then helped myself to salad at the salad cart.我埋头吃这鸡块和炸薯条,并在沙拉推车上自制了一份沙拉。