




1.魏斯 VENDOME 梵登 WEISS 葳斯 AVON 雅芳 ...

8.韦伊斯韦伊斯Weiss)和史怀哲氏(Schweitzer)提醒大家,主耶稣关于末世论的教训,在他思想的体系中,乃比伦理的教训,更为 …


1.He then took what many saw as a step back by joining Rot Weiss Ahlen, but it turned out to be precisely the career boost he was looking for.之后他便加入了红白阿伦,虽然许多人认为这是一个倒退,但结果却证明了这恰恰是他一直在寻找的职业生涯的飞跃。

2.There's a commotion as several men try to grab the neighbor and HARLOWE is immediately at WEISS'Sside trying to help him to his feet.有几个人想使劲拉住那位邻居,这时出现了一阵混乱。哈洛迅速走到了韦斯跟前,扶着他立起身来。

3.Meanwhile, we continued to go to Dr. Weiss, sometimes two or three times a week when the inflammation flared up.同时,我们继续去见外斯医生,当突然有新消息时,有时会一星期两到三次。

4."There was no place for me to go, " said Kathy Weiss, the cancer survivor.“我没地方可去,”癌症生还者凯西·韦斯说道。

5.One day, the intercom rang out in the back of the warehouse, "Scott Weiss, to the front for a carry out. "有一天,商铺后面的对讲机响了:“斯科特•韦斯(作者的名字——译注),到前面去搬货。”

6.Like a growing number of grieving relatives, Weiss one of the most powerful troves of memories available: a loved one's onpne presence.与越来越多悲痛的亲属一样,维丝打开了一个埋藏丰富的记忆匣:深爱之人的在线状态。

7.Sex, in its ideal sense, is relational, and object sex does not fulfill the relational aspect of that, said Mr. Weiss.还补充道,性行为在其理想层面上是亲密的表现,而具有目的性的性行为并不能让人达到那个层面。

8.A few miles away, Amy Weiss and her mother, Kathy, said they planned to fight the city's order to close their shop, Buds on Melrose.离这家药店不远,艾米·韦斯和她母亲凯西表示,她们计划与关闭药店的政府法规作战到底。她们的药店是BudsonMelrose。

9."A new 11-year cycle started a year or two ago, and so far it's been extremely feeble, " says Nigel Weiss of the University of Cambridge.“一个新的11年周期在一两年前开始了,目前为止它活动极其微弱,”剑桥大学的NigelWeiss说。

10.Dr. Weiss first prescribed pquid prednisone, or steroids, in an attempt to reduce the inflammation.外斯医生先开出泼尼松液体药或类固醇,试着减缓炎症。