




1.人民的声音 t.z generation( 通州乌托邦) voice of the people( 人民的声音) bastards of the nation( 社会弃儿) ...

2.人民之声 ... 《indie the world》 可塑橡皮 《voice of the people过失 《my love》 奇幻 …

4.民众之声哥论坛报(Chicago Tribune)社论版「民众之声」(Voice of the People)栏12月29日刊出驻芝加哥台北经济文化办事处一 …


1.But he said he stands strongly with those who bepeve the voice of the people should be heard and not suppressed.但是他说,他坚决与那些认为应该听从民意、而不该压制民意的人站在一边。

2.In other words, it had the clear potential to circumvent the voice of the people and completely empower un-elected power mongers.换句话说,它有邃晓的可能绕过人平易近的呼声并完整付与非选举发生的势力贩子们以权力。

3.This shows that the Egyptian government began to take action in response to the voice of the people asked to punish corruption.此举显示埃及政府开始采取行动回应民众要求惩治腐败的呼声。

4.Very representative of her words, can be seen as Germany, Europe and the wider voice of the people. Bin Laden is that?她的话很有代表性,可以被看作是德国、欧洲乃至更大范围的人们发出的声音。

5.The working personnel of this government must respectfully heed the voice of the people.这个政府的工作人员对于人民必须是恭恭敬敬地听话的。

6."I thank the party, thanks to the people, thanks to the army" is the spontaneous voice of the people in the disaster areas.“感谢党,感谢人民,感谢军队”是灾区群众自发的呼声。

7.Mouth: always smipng, always issue "Hey - hey -" the voice of the people to the universal invitation.嘴巴:永远都是笑着的,总是发出“嗨—嗨—”的声音,向四海的人们发出邀请。

8.but he did feel very much that the voice of the people is a rational voice and should be heard.但他真的觉得人民的声音是一种理性的声音并且应该被听取

9.So, from Oracle's POV, SouJava is a good choice, as they are a voice of the people in a similar way to Apache.从Oracle的角度来看,SouJava是个很不错的选择,因为他们采取了与Apache类似的方式表达出了人们的心声。

10.He had a keen ear for voice of the people.他善于倾听群众的呼声。