




1.乡村女孩 Two Boats 脚踏两条船 ... Country Girl 乡村女孩 Breakfast 早餐 ...

2.乡下姑娘举夺得第10届金球奖最佳女配角奖,1954年又以《乡下姑娘》(Country Girl)摘得奥斯卡最佳女演员的桂冠。

3.乡村姑娘 ... ┊.. 田园娃娃 Pastoral Dol ┊.. 乡村姑娘 Country girl ┊.. 情侣人物 lovers Doll ...

4.乡村女郎中尼尔杨主唱了两首作品,无助(Helpless)和乡下女孩(Country Girl),可以看出他的乐风回归了民谣与乡村的形式。

6.小姑娘 5.脱离 I Gotta Go 6.小姑娘 Country Girl 7.大人们 A Child’s view ...

7.国家女孩图片 ... 向后看图片 Looking Back 国家女孩图片 Country Girl 青铜图片 bronze ...


1.if I sacrificed all that, I would be sure of finding a country girl who was at least pure. . . but. . . but I should not accuse you. '如果我牺牲这一切的话,那么我确信我会找到一个至少是纯洁的乡下姑娘……但是……但是,我不应该谴责你。

2.Why Not Me? You've been lookin' for love all around the world Baby , don't you know this country girl's still free? Why not me ?你在世界的各个角落遍寻爱情宝贝,你知不知道我仍然形影孑立为何不与我携手相依?。

3.'Angel, don't worry so much about a country girl, 'said his mother, anxious about her son's state of mind.“安吉尔,不要对一个乡下姑娘过分担心了,”他母亲说道。她对儿子的心理状态非常忧虑。

4.A princess to see the clown's performance feels very interesting, often dressed as a country girl to see clowns, she was happy the clown.一个公主看到小丑的表演觉得很有趣,就经常打扮成一个村姑去看小丑表演,她被小丑的快乐所带动。

5.I'm not really a country girl, but I suppose I'm gradually getting used to looking after the animals.我并不是一个国家的女孩,但是我想我还是渐渐用来照顾动物。

6."My parents say I've been working in the city for so long that I don't look pke a country girl anymore, " Li says.李说:“我父母说,我在城市里工作了这么长时间了,我现在一点也看不出是农村女孩”。

7.You wonder that Miss Lane could not find someone more genteel than a pttle country girl to assist her in her office.你难道以为莱茵小姐就找不到比一个乡下小姑娘更有教养的助手吗?

8.My loitering at the edge of the city from taking a number of urban women habits, but also did not put country girl symptoms.我在城市边缘游荡沾染了一些都市女人习气,也未曾放下乡下姑娘的症状。

9.I was just a country girl. He was just a two-job college student.那时我只是个乡下的女孩,他也仅仅是个做着两份兼职的大学生而已。

10.I definitely see people thinking I'm very cutesie and country girl so to be called that so much is pke, "Oh I'm so confused. "在人们眼里我是个口耐又清纯的乡下小女孩,所以被称作性感确实很奇怪。