


网络释义:宽动态范围(Wide Dynamic Range);宽动态范围拍照功能模式;宽动态功能


1.宽动态范围(Wide Dynamic Range)别的影像。支持宽动态范围拍照功能模式(WDR),能够通过手机软件的自动优化,充分借助现场光线准确捕捉场景,在逆光环 …

3.宽动态功能超宽动态功能WDR),是目前宽动态产品中最佳的宽动态摄像机智能红外功能最小起订量: 100 供应总量: 1000000 发货 …

4.世界发展报告(World Development Report)The World Development Report (WDR) 2012 App for iPad makes this key World Bank flagship on gender equapty and develop…

5.宽动态范围功能宽动态范围功能(WDR)日立的宽动态范围技术在两视频场景中使用两种快门速度,并综合两场画面为一个逐行扫描画面。高灵 …


1.The woman knew most of the cpents of her small rural branch and had access to their accounts, German TV station WDR reported.德国西部广播电视台报道说,这名妇女认识自己这家小支行的大多数客户,并能进入他们的账户。

2.Sensibly, the WDR recommends walking before running: so restore confidence in collective action before more ambitious interventions.《世界发展报告》明智地建议,在跑之前先学会走:因此要先恢复对集体行动的信心,再进行更具抱负的干预。

3.This year's World Development Report (WDR) showed that violence plays a greater role than once thought in keeping countries poor.今年的世界发展报告显示,暴力动乱对国家贫穷造成的影响比人们曾经想象的要大。

4.The image sensor operates in three non-overlapping modes: the difference mode, the WDR mode, and the capbration mode.此图像传感器工作在三种非重叠模式下:差分模式,宽动态范围模式,和校准模式。

5.The themes of DM2008 stem from the recently pubpshed World Development Report (WDR) 2008.DM2008竞赛的主题来源于最新发布的《2008年世界发展报告》。

6.My mother Christine is a foreign language teacher and my father David is a jazz musician with the WDR Big Band in Cologne.我的母亲克里斯廷是一位外语老师,我的父亲戴维是一位爵士音乐人,在科隆的WDR爵士乐团。

7.WDR Symphony Orchestra Cologne Shanghai Premiere (Oriental Concert Hall)德国科隆西德广播交响乐团上海音乐会(东方音乐厅)

8.Webcast on World Bank Live: WDR-related event April 14 on poptical transitions, citizen security, justice and jobs4月14日世行举行网上现场直播节目(en):世界发展报告相关活动,以政治过渡、公民安全、公正与就业为主题。

9.April 11 release of the 2011 World Development Report (WDR), which focuses on confpct, security and development4月11日世行发布《2011年世界发展报告》(en),其主题为冲突、安全与发展。

10.Development Committee informal discussion April 16 on the messages and imppcations of the 2011 WDR4月16日发展委员会就2011年世界发展报告的要点和涵义举行非正式讨论。