




1.婚纱摄影 商业摄影 Commercial photography 婚纱摄影 wedding photo 个人写真 Personal photo ...

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4.结婚照 毕业照 Graduation Photo 结婚照 Wedding Photo 个人专辑 Artist Photo ...

5.婚纱馆 新闻资讯 News 婚纱馆 Wedding Photo 写真馆 Photo Gallery ...

6.婚纱照价目 艺术照价目 Arts Picture 婚纱照价目 Wedding Photo 全家福价目 Family Photo ...

7.拍婚纱照在有瀑布的景点拍婚纱照(wedding photo),也很有fu呢!北部的婚纱照景点中,金瓜石黄金瀑布、十分寮瀑布就很适合拍婚纱 …


1.There is no decent furniture, no basic decoration, and the only photograph in the home is the wedding photo of Cai Wei and his wife.家里没有像样的家具,也没有最基本的装潢,唯一的一张照片就是蔡伟和他妻子的结婚照。

2.Could this be the beginning of a wedding-photo trend in China just as naked wedding pictures were all the rage a while back?这会像前不久风靡一时的裸婚婚纱照一样,引领中国婚纱照拍摄的潮流么?

3.Wedding season has arrived, and with it swarms of soon-to-be-wed couples tromping through parks for their pre-wedding photo shoot.结婚旺季一到,大批的准新人们开始涌进公园拍摄结婚照。

4.We only have one wedding photo, and I tore it in two.我们只有唯一这张结婚照,就被我撕掉。

5.For the film studio , advertising photography, wedding photo studio , studios, and other photographic equipment to provide equipment.为影视演播室,广告摄影公司,婚纱影楼,个人工作室等提供摄影器材装备。

6.Mom : Yeah, and our wedding photo always remind me of a lot of things.妈妈:嗯,我们的结婚照总是会勾起我许多的回忆。

7.Tracy: Oh, I've heard of it. Many Japanese people take their wedding photo there.哦,我听说过严岛神社。许多日本人在那儿拍婚纱照。

8.There ware four nails on the right wall that were used to fix their wedding photo frame.右边的墙上有四颗铁钉,是用来固定他们的婚纱照的。

9.There were four nails on the right what those things ? were used to fix their wedding photo frmorninge.左边的墙上有四颗铁钉,是用来稳固他们的婚纱照的。

10.One other way he deals with weariness is to peek at his wedding photo that hangs around his neck.一路上,他都把结婚照挂在脖子上,看一眼就能提神解乏。