




1.月时光 ... Eje 轴吧 Enjoy Time 月时光 Fengxing Music Bar 风行音乐吧 ...

2.妙享时刻 有多 YOUDO 妙享时刻; ENJOY TIME 嘴心悦; ZUI XIN YUE ...

3.共享时光 ... lava 拉瓦 enjoy time 共享时光 神话 Myth ...

4.花时间方案:花时间enjoy time)         谢谢!


1.You've been concentrating quite a bit on your career from mid-March through April, so now you'll enjoy time to kick back and relax.自3月中旬至整个4月,你专注点大部分在事业上,因此目前你将享受停下工作休闲的时光。

2.He said China and Indonesia are friendly neighbors and the two peoples enjoy time-honored friendly exchanges.他说,中国和印尼是友好邻邦,两国人民之间的友好交往源远流长。

3.Please wait for the process of love, learn to love themselves and enjoy time on my own, and even enjoy the fact must be single.请你在等待爱情的过程中学会喜欢自己,享受与自己独处的时间,甚至享受必须单身的事实。

4.Let work go. Then walk through the door to your home and enjoy time with those you love.然后穿过公司大门回家和你的爱人好好享受时光吧。

5.When you go out to enjoy time with your friends without taking me, never complain but wait for you at home.如果对方和朋友出去玩,自己不能同行的时候,也要乖巧的等待对方回来,毫不抱怨。

6.Garotinho said that in spite of the long distance between us, our two countries enjoy time-honored exchanges and profound friendship.加洛蒂尼奥表示,巴中两国尽管相距遥远,但双方交往久远、友谊深厚。

7.Such a good evening party, twice time will always enjoy time.这么好的晚会,再来一次依然是享受。

8.Is getting out of town necessary to relax and enjoy time off?出城是否真的是放松休假的必要方式?

9.He noted that Italy and China enjoy time-honored friendship. In recent years bilateral relations have undergone new developments.他说,意中友好历史悠久,两国关系近年来有了新的发展,但两国合作的潜力依然巨大。

10.I enjoy time by myself and prefer one-to-one conversations to large groups.我享受时间,喜欢“一对一”的谈话,不喜欢团体对话。