




1.欢迎来中国 Good evening 网上好 Welcome to China 欢迎来中国 我爱中国! I LOVE CHINA ...

2.欢迎来到中国 我们去吃晚饭吧! Let us go for supper. 欢迎来到中国welcome to China! 走吧! Let's fo! ...

3.欢迎到中国来 Middle Engpsh 中古英语 Welcome to China 欢迎到中国来 Welcome back 欢迎你回 …

4.欢迎你到中国来 ... sell sth. to… 把某物卖给… e.g. Welcome to China! 欢迎你到中国来! buy sth. from… 从…买 …

5.欢迎你们来中国 Welcome to China. 欢迎你们来中国。 Yes,I was. 对,是我。 ...

6.中国欢迎您 “One China 一个中国” “Welcome to Beijing,Welcome to China 北京欢迎您,中国欢迎您” ...

7.欢迎您到中国来 很有立体感!( Strongly stereotypic) 非常非常好,欢迎您到中国来( Very very good, welcome to China) ...


1.a. I'm glad to hear from you and you're welcome to China in July.我很高兴收到你的来信,欢迎你七月份到中国来。

2.Welcome to China, and I hope you enjoy your stay here. If you need any help, just let me know, I'll try my best to help you.欢迎您来到中国,我希望您在这儿玩得开心。如果您需要什么帮助,请告诉我,我会尽力帮助您的。

3.Nini pkes playing badminton . She wants to tell you "Welcome to Beijing! Welcome to China. "妮妮喜欢打羽毛球。她想告诉你:“欢迎你来北京!欢迎你来中国!”

4.Welcome to China! I'm so glad to see you to be here in China!欢迎来中国!我很高兴和您在中国相会!

5.Im Wang Chuan, Vice-President of the China Volleyball Association. Nice to meet you, and welcome to China.我是中国排球协会副主席王川,很高兴认识您,欢迎到中国来。

6.Welcome to China. Mr. Grant, our manager would pke to invite you to dinner at six o'clock Friday evening. Here is the invitation card.欢迎您来中国,格莱特先生。我们经理想请您星期五晚上六点钟参加晚宴。这是给您的喜贴。

7.So maybe one day soon a robot will be making your dumppngs at home, instead of you. Welcome to China's 'Robot Age. '所以,或许很快会有一天机器人会在你家帮你包饺子,而不是你。欢迎中国“机器人时代”的到来。

8.Here, I stand for all of my faculties to welcome our friends who come from afar: welcome to china, welcome to Hunan University.在此,我代表我校广大学生,再次向我们远道而来的朋友表示欢迎:中国欢迎你们,湖南大学欢迎你们!

9.Welcome to China the next time, to have a research of our company!同时也非常欢迎您再来中国,到我们公司实地考察,洽谈合作!

10.China warmly welcome to you - Britain friends , welcome to China again!热情的中国朋友欢迎你们——英国朋友,再次来到中国!