

study room

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1.书房 bathroom 浴室 study-room 书房 kitchen 厨房 ...

2.指课堂 ... 97. Rice-kettle 指煮米的锅。 98. Study-room 指课堂。 21. Impersonation 指戏剧中演得好,符合角色特点。入 …


1.When the hour had gone the class filed back to the study room and Elnora followed in desperation, because she did not know where else to go.时间很快过去了,学生们排着队去了自习室,艾尔诺拉无精打采的跟着她们,因为她没有其他地方可去。

2.He is often seen to read hard in his study room from morning till night.经常可以看见他从早到晚在书房苦读。

3.He actually made one of his biggest deals from the study room in his dorm complex .实际上,他是在宿舍楼的自习室里面做成他的大笔生意的。

4.Opening 95 hours a week, self-study room all-weather open.每周开馆95小时,自修室全天候开放。

5.News paper fulled in his study room, and there is no more space.除了满屋子的报纸外,他的书房里几乎没有什么空的地方了

6.When you're in college study room free play phone, play the computer, remember the frightened, with one mind feepng?当你在大学自习室自由自在玩手机,玩电脑的时候,还记得胆战心惊,一心二用的感觉吗?

7.Example: We turned one of our bedrooms to the study room.我们把臥室中的一间,改建成了书房。

8.Second floor: one suit with bath room, two bedrooms, one study room.二楼:一套房连卫生间,二间客房,一间书房。

9.What are there in the second floor, there are two bedrooms and a study room.二楼有什么?有两间卧室和一个书房。

10.His study room is cluttered with books and magazines.书和杂志堆满的他的书房。