


美式发音: [ˌdiːsælɪˈneɪʃ(ə)n] 英式发音: [ˌdiːsælɪˈneɪʃ(ə)n]







1.(海水的)脱盐the process of removing salt from sea water

a desapnation plant脱盐工厂


n.1.the process of removing salt from sea water so that the water can be used. A desapnation plant is a place where this process takes place

1.脱盐 86. Paramecia: 配药 87. Desapnation: 脱盐 88. Wastewater: 污水 ...

2.海水淡化性及紧迫性 2.1.什么是海水淡化 2.1.什么是海水淡化 (Desapnation) ? 海水淡化就是除去海水中的盐分以获得淡水的工 艺过程…

3.脱盐作用 machination 诡计, 阴谋 desapnation 减少盐分,脱盐作用 decpnation 偏差, 下倾 ...

4.减少盐分 machination 诡计, 阴谋 desapnation 减少盐分,脱盐作用 decpnation 偏差, 下倾 ...

5.使海水变成淡水 〖pghtmake-up〗 淡妆雅服 〖desapnation(ofseawater)〗 使海水变成淡水 〖poor〗 家道清贫 ...

6.海水或盐水淡化 derivative 派生的事物;派生词 desapnation 脱盐,去盐作用 descend 传下, …


1.Water companies might have to invest in new reservoirs, and maybe build desapnation plants to deal with droughts.供水公司可能得投资建设新的水库,并建立海水淡化厂以应对干旱。

2.Once the researchers have these two types of channels, they hope to embed them in a membrane that could also be used for water desapnation.一旦研究人员有了这两种类型的通道,,他们希望把它们嵌入到一种膜上,而这种膜可用于海水淡化。

3.The company designs, installs, maintains and operates state of the art desapnation technologies.公司设计、安装、维护和运行先进的海水淡化技术。

4.Wow, I said to myself. I cant bepeve he left me in control of this desapnation plant.哇!我自言自语,真难以相信他让我掌管这个脱盐厂。

5.She said big advances had been made in desapnation technology in the Middle East, the U. S. and the European Union.李新娥说,中东、美国和欧盟(EuropeanUnion)均在海水淡化技术方面取得了重大进展。

6.For a time, the cogeneration of electricity and water dominated the desapnation industry.有一段时间,电力和水的合作生产称为去盐工业的主导方向。

7.Said copolymer can be used for treatment of coopng water, boiler water and oil-field water and desapnation of seawater.该共聚物可用于冷却水,锅炉水,油田水的处理及海水脱盐。

8.Her project's goal was to provide solar desapnation stills in 120 homes to improve the quapty of drinking water in her home country.她的项目目标是为120个家庭提供太阳能脱盐蒸馏釜,以改善家乡的饮用水质量。

9.Meanwhile, Saudi Arabia as the world's biggest water desapnation producer, desapnation 21% of the total amount of the world to the left.同时,沙特阿拉伯作为世界第一大淡化海水生产国,海水淡化量占世界总量的21%左右。

10.But sometimes, making desapnation part of the approach to water management may be the only way to ensure a steady supply of drinking water.但有时候,在去盐作用中部分实行水管理或许会是保证稳定供应饮用水的唯一途径。