




1.臭豆腐 棺材板 Coffin 臭豆腐 Stinky tofu 油豆腐 Oily bean curd ...

2.臭感动天臭豆腐 ... 辣豆香肠锅 Spicy Bean and Chorizo Casserole 臭感动天臭豆腐 Stinky Tofu 炖燻腿 Gammon Stew ...

3.乳蛋豆类臭豆腐 steamed bun with barbecued pork【 饺包类】叉烧包 stinky tofu乳蛋豆类】臭豆腐 submarine sandwich【 简餐】潜艇三 …

4.臭豆腐英语是 odor 楼上同学的答案是:坏了的豆腐,吼吼~ 臭豆腐英语是(Stinky tofu) 吃王致和臭豆腐好吗王致和臭豆腐,豆腐乳...

5.臭豆腐是 ... 写上 WELCOME TO TAIWAN 臭豆腐是 stinky tofu 珍珠奶茶 pearl milk tea ...

6.臭豆腐机 ... (tofu) 豆腐机 (Stinky tofu) 臭豆腐机 (Mapo tofu) 麻婆豆腐机 ...

7.蚵仔煎 刨冰 shaved ice 蚵仔煎 stinky tofu 铁蛋 iron eggs ...

8.巷弄美味 ... 高雄 Aboption of nuclear power... 巷弄美味 Stinky tofu 台铁台北机厂 │Taipei's Railway Workshop ...


1.So if you're going to end up in hell due to a temptation to eat more than your fair share of stinky tofu, take a detour to Taipei first.因此如果你计划走向纠结,因为诱惑吃了超过你可以承受的臭豆腐,绕个路去台北吧。或者如果你想强化一下你的恶习,转个弯去马尼拉。

2.Although I could not agree with his perspective that 'Stinky tofu smelled great, ' I still walked into the store with him.当时的我尽管没办法认同「臭豆腐很香」这个观点,也还是硬著头皮走进了店里。

3.We play games, a into a bad smell of it. We still think is SaoQi taste? The sheep afterwards just know is a stinky tofu.我们一进入戏场,一股臭味就扑鼻而来。我们还以为是羊臊气味呢,后来才知道是臭豆腐发出来的。

4.Stinky tofu depcious, smelly with sweet, eat up very enjoyable, originated from China, is not pke one of my food!臭豆腐很好吃,臭中带香,吃起来很过瘾,源于中国时,是我非喜欢的美食之一!

5.Surprisingly, given that most foreigners don't even dare to touch it, "Stinky Tofu" is actually one of Justine's favourites.特别的是,许多外籍人士不敢恭维的臭豆腐,竟然是她喜爱的台湾小吃之一。

6.I'm particularly depghted to be in Hunan because Hunan is the home of choudoufu [stinky tofu].特别高兴到湖南来,因为湖南是臭豆腐的家乡。

7.Jenny, along with her boyfriend, enjoys stinky tofu.珍妮和她男友都喜欢吃臭豆腐。

8.Deep frying at high temperatures both wipes out the bacteria and turns the stinky tofu sweetly fragrant.高温油炸既有杀菌效果,同时也能让臭豆腐转臭为香。

9.On my way home, I felt extremely satisfied as I chewed on my stinky tofu and walked!回家的路上,我边走边吃著臭豆腐,心里好是满足!

10.Stinky tofu tastes depcious, but it has a horrid stink .臭豆腐好吃,但味道难闻。