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abbr.(=Writers Guild of America)美国作家协会

网络释义:麦胚凝集素(wheat germ agglutinin);美国编剧协会(Writers Guild of America);正版增值计划(Windows Genuine Advantage)


abbr.1.(=Writers Guild of America)美国作家协会

abbr.1.(=Writers Guild of America)

1.麦胚凝集素(wheat germ agglutinin)麦胚凝集素WGA)/花生凝集素 (PNA)/豌豆凝集素(PSA)/伴刀豆球蛋白A(Con A)便携式农药残留检测仪/农残仪(国产,单 …

2.美国编剧协会(Writers Guild of America)  在美国编剧协会(WGA)与电影与电视制片人协会(AMPTP)经过多次谈判后,美国编剧协会预期的罢工即将开始。这其中的导火 …

3.作家协会  美国作家协会WGA)刚刚宣布了他们的电子游戏写作类的杰出成就奖提名名单。  一眼便知,该名单由3A游戏大作所主导,里 …

4.正版增值计划(Windows Genuine Advantage)微软的正版增值计划WGA)是针对Winxp专业版的。如果你使用的是盗版的。


1.Mr Omer Khan said WGA was committed to long term investment in Austrapa, and was impressed with Austrapa's economic durabipty.奥马尔汗先生宣称WGA决心长期在澳大利亚投资,而且澳大利亚的经济耐受性给他留下了深刻的印象。

2.Register your finished project with Writers Guild of America (at wga. org) before you start shopping it to prospective agents or producers.在美国作家协会(wga.org)注册你的剧本以便获得版权保护,然后再去潜在地买家那里进行推销。

3.Objective: To explore the relationship between neural tube development of the mouse embryos and lectin windings of WGA, RCA and ECL.目的:探讨WGA、RCA和ECL凝集素受体与小鼠胚胎神经管发育的关系。

4.A relevant question, therefore, is: "Is the WGA strike well-timed, well-aimed, and has it gathered sufficient force? "因此,一个相关的问题:编剧协会的罢工是否选好了时机,意图明确,并且有足够的实施力量?

5.The WGA program detects incorrect activation binary files or modified activation binary files.WGA程序检测到不正确的激活二进制文件或已修改的激活二进制文件。

6.The contract was formally ratified by the Writers Guild of America membership last week.美国编剧工会(WritersGuildofAmerica,WGA)上周正式批准这一协议。

7.Originating from grains, wheat germ agglutinin (WGA) is a kind of highly conservative agglutinin which can combine with crustaxanthin.麦胚凝集素(WGA)来源于谷物,是一种可以与甲壳素结合的高度保守性的凝集素。

8.The WGA's negotiating committee and the guild's board have recommended the deal to members, and now the voting begins.WGA谈判委员会和行业的董事会已经向全体会员们知会了协议的内容,并开始投票。

9."The strike was worthwhile, " says WGA member Keith Glover. "It needed to be done for the future. "“这次罢工是值得的,”WGA的成员KeithGlover说,“这次努力是为了未来。”

10.The WGA program detects a blocked product key or a counterfeit product key.WGA程序检测到被阻止的产品密钥或伪造的产品密钥。