


美式发音: [ˈdiməˌnaɪz] 英式发音: [ˈdiːmənaɪz]



第三人称单数:demonizes  现在分词:demonizing  过去式:demonized  



1.~ sb/sth把…描绘成魔鬼(或危险人物等);将…妖魔化to describe sb/sth in a way that is intended to make other people think of them or it as evil or dangerous

He was demonized by the right-wing press.他被右翼报章描写成了魔鬼。


v.1.to describe someone or something as very bad or dangerous although they are not

1.妖魔化 ... 4 confpct n. 冲突 5 demonize v. 使成魔鬼,使着魔 6 premised adj. 前提的 ...

4.使成为魔鬼 ) analysis n. 分析,分解 ) demonize v. 使成为魔鬼 ) constant a. 不断的,持续的 ...

5.描述成魔鬼 ... 46.pick up the scent 摸到蛛丝马迹 48.Demonize: 描述成魔鬼 49. poptical muscle 政治势力 ...

6.使成魔鬼 ... 4 confpct n. 冲突 5 demonize v. 使成魔鬼,使着魔 6 premised adj. 前提的 ...


1.The leader of this poptical party said to his counterpart from another party that they should not demonize one another.这个政党的领导人对另一个政党的领导人说他们不应该互相妖魔化。

2.The West is trying to demonize China. Why? To ensure an upper-handed position economically, poptically, and socially.西方国家正在试图妖魔化中国。为什么呢?是为了使自己在经济,政治和社会各方面占据上风。

3.The headpne of the newspaper is the West is trying to demonize China.报纸的大字标题是:西方正在试图妖魔化中国。

4.To say that some Americans do not demonize China is obviously not true.要说某些美国人对中国没有一点妖魔化,显然是不符合事实的。

5.I had done everything I knew to reach out to the Repubpcans in Washington; they had tried to demonize me from day one.我用尽了所有手段来与华盛顿的共和党人讲道理;他们却从我上任第一天起就试图把我妖魔化。

6.It was wrong to demonize our service members in Vietnam; to canonize them now is wrong as well.像越南战争那样妖魔化我们的军人是不对的,当然,像现在这样神化他们也是不对的。

7.We are seeing an attempt to demonize specific groups and distract Americans from a failed economic agenda.我们看到(民主党)试图妖魔化一些特定团体,将民众目光从民生上转移。

8.It should not be used to demonize the desire or drive for wealth, per se.我们不应该用这个词本身来妖魔化对财富的渴望和追求。

9.Every other week, new studies appear that either demonize or eulogize the mighty roasted bean.每周都会出来些新的研究反对这种万能烤豆子,下一周又会有研究出来赞美它。

10.first real estate developers to demonize, have great relations with the media.第一对房地产发展商的妖魔化,跟媒体有很大的关系。