




1.看地图 read a newspaper 看报 69. read a map 看地图 70. find out 查明,弄清楚 71. ...

2.看报 ... The moonshine got through the window. 月光透过窗户。 read a map 看报 read traffic signs 看懂交通标志 ...

3.查阅地图 ... read a letter 读信 read a map 查阅地图 read a novel 读小说 ...


1.S. was designed so that you can easily figure out how to get to any city in the country as long as you know how top read a map.美国的公路结构设计的只要你能读懂地图,就可以很容易地找到如何到达国家的任何一个城市的路。

2.But as I got older and learned to read a map, I could not imagine setting foot in a land so far as China, let alone dig there.然而,当我长大以后学会了看地图,我才知道中国是在那么遥远的地方,连走都走不到,更不用说“挖”到了。

3.But with no one to help you read a map, look after you if you get ill, or lend you money if your wallet is stolen, they are challenging.但如果没人帮你看地图,在你生病时照顾你,或在你钱包被偷时借你钱,那将会是极富挑战的事情。

4.Choose to read a map: you should be in the hotel, the secret place or safe seats, will sit subway geographical position valued again action.择地看地图:你应该在旅馆、隐密场所或安稳坐在地铁座位上,将地理位置看好再行动。

5.The abipty to read a map and use a compass quickly and accurately is of great importance.在战场上,能够迅速并精确使用地图和指南针的能力显得尤为重要。

6.To read a map, take note of the compass direction, the legend, and the reference pnes.为了读懂地图,要注意指南针方向、图例以及基准线。

7.You have to use your brain's abipty to determine spatial relationships to effectively read a map and navigate a city.你必须用你大脑的能力来决定空间关系,提高读地图的效率和穿梭城市。

8.Similarly, most males can read a map and then successfully navigate by memory.类似的,大多数男性能够读地图,然后可以顺利地凭借记忆前进。

9.Better read a map before your trip.出发前最好先研究下地图。

10.When we read a map, designed and made perfectly, we cane asily get the information we need, furthermore, we can feel the beauty of art.我们在阅读一幅设计和制作都很优秀的地图作品时,相信不仅能获取我们所需要的信息,更能从中得到一种艺术享受。