




1.浇花 植树 plant trees pictures 浇 花 water the flowers 照相 take pictures ...

2.给花浇水 Look pke 看上去像 water the flowers 给花浇水 drink some water 喝水 ...

3.去花园浇水 ... 【hand in, 上交】 5. Let’s do! 1.Go to the garden.Water the flowers. 去花园浇水

4.淋花 ... 那本关于植物的书 that book about plants 淋花 water the flowers 种花 grow flowers ...

5.该给花浇水了 B:I'll have kids do this. 我叫孩子们来做这件事情。 A:Water the flowers. 给花浇点水。 B:I made it myself. 我自己做的。 ...

7.级花 cook the meals( 做级) water the flowers( 级花) sweep the floor( 级地) ...


1.At dawn, in the sunset, the water the flowers every time, watching the drops a pttle bit of adjusting its flow.在晨光中,在夕阳里,每次浇花,看着水滴一点点的调整它的流量。

2.My grandmother told me that she would go to water the flowers.我的外祖母告诉我她要去浇花。

3.Does he often water the flowers in the garden?他经常在花园里浇花吗

4.Could I possibly ask you to water the flowers for me?能麻烦你帮我浇一下花吗?

5.Water after washing vegetable can be used to water the flowers.洗完菜的水可以用来浇花。

6.Could you help me to water the flowers this afternoon?今天下午你能帮我浇花吗?

7.I told you to water the flowers, but what did you do? Can't you do anything right?让你浇花你却把花盆打了,啥都干不好,成事不足败事有余!

8.You and I will water the flowers.我和你去给花浇水。

9.He would rake the soil gently and water the flowers.他会轻轻翻土,浇花的。

10.Could you please help me to water the flowers?请你帮我浇花好吗?