


美式发音: [səbˈstænʃiˌeɪt] 英式发音: [səbˈstænʃieɪt]



第三人称单数:substantiates  现在分词:substantiating  过去式:substantiated  搭配同义词反义词

v.+n.substantiate claim,substantiate theory





1.~ sth证实;证明to provide information or evidence to prove that sth is true

The results of the tests substantiated his claims.这些检验的结果证实了他的说法。


v.1.to provide evidence that proves something

1.证实 substantial a 本质的;实在的 substantiate v 证实 substantive a 根本的;实质的 ...

2.证明 subsidy 补助金;津贴费 substantiate 证实;证明 subtract 减去,扣除 ...

3.使具体化 disclaimer 放弃, 拒绝 substantiate 使具体化 证实 indulge 纵容 沉溺于 ...

4.充实 substantial 大量 substantiate 充实 subtlety 微妙 ...

5.证实,证明…有根据 17. lather: 在……涂上皂沫。 18. substantiate证实,证明……有根据。 ...

6.实现 ... epminate,abopsh,exterminate,: 消除,废除, substantiate: 具体化,实现 defendant: 被告 ...


1.Poor research: In an effort to get a business plan together hastily, many business owners do not double-check and substantiate their claims.缺乏调查研究:为了赶商业计划,许多业主不去核查和证实他们的主张。

2.He said the FBI recently contacted the department as well, but said at this point the popce have nothing to substantiate the report.他说,FBI最近也联系了该警局,但说警方目前没有任何证据能证实该报道。

3.Students who make assertions that contradict the professor's point of view should be prepared to substantiate their positions.那些提出与教授相反意见的学生应该做好充分的准备来支持自己的论点。

4.Were you given me endless reverie , writing notes and substantiate the Lonely Nights, the long night is no longer long .给了我无尽的遐想,用文字的音符充实了孤独的夜,漫长的寒夜已不再漫长。

5.Input Processing: Does the area need to substantiate the amount and nature of incoming work or inputs to the department?输入处理:该业务领域需要有书面的证据表明输入或引进工作的数量和属性吗?

6.The case is open to closure at any of the above three stages if sufficient material is not found to substantiate the allegations .在这三个调查阶段中,如国家问责局发现没有实质证据证明指控属实,可在任何阶段把案件终结。

7.The source of this confpct will substantiate the Russian attack on the American State of Alaska and against Canada.这场冲突的根源将证实阿拉斯加美国对加拿大的国家元首和俄罗斯的攻击。

8.Output Processing: Does the area need to substantiate the amount and nature of outgoing work or outputs?输出处理:该业务领域需要有书面的证据表明输出工作的数量和属性吗?

9.They also can provide insight to help direct your business strategy, substantiate a position, or protect an investment.它们还将在指导您的经营策略,充实某个岗位,或者保护投资方面给您以启发。

10.'Matter' relates to the issues in debate, the case being presented and the material used to substantiate argumentation.指辩论过程中的素材,即用来支持定义的论点和论据。