




1.我们不是朋友 ... 08 Hot Spring Powder( 温泉粉) 『We are not friends.( 我们不是朋友)』电脑萤幕里的吴尊 …


1.I'm crush on a boy but he doesn't know about that. I'm afraid we are not friends anymore if I tell him about this.我很喜欢一个男孩,他不知道,我怕我若是说出口,连朋友都做不成。

2.When you and I connected on LinkedIn, we did that for business reasons, we are not friends, we are co-workers or business associates.当你我连上LinkedIn的时候,我们是为了商务上的原因,我们不是朋友,我们是同事或者生意上有往来的人。

3.I used to get on well with him, but now we are not friends any more.我过去和他相处很好,但现在我们不再是朋友了。

4.Sandy: No, we are not friends. I don't take this shit from friends. Only lovers.不,我们不是朋友。我才不想让这个家伙当朋友。只能是情人。

5.We are not friends with Phoebe anymore.我们和菲比不再是朋友了。

6.We are not friends; I know him by sight.我们不是朋友,我跟他只是面熟。

7.you we they are not We are not friends.我们不是朋友。

8.We are not friends anymore她不把我当朋友了