




1.从……出发 ... ③ go ahead 朝前走;请随便(回答请求时用) set out from从……出发 be caught in+ 灾难 (突然)遇到/上( …

2.从某地出发上路 ... set out from 从某地出发上路 set off 开始旅行,赛跑,出发 ...


1.due to the hurt of his legs , the athlete decided to set out from the competition.由于腿伤,这个运动员决定退出比赛。

2.Set out to see myth in Western Europe from the explosive of Sung, set out from the judgment day of Sung.从宋的火药出发看见了西欧神话,从宋的末日出发。

3.Still, as we set out from Guangzhou, the whole trip had an air of excitement and exploration about it.不过,当我们从广州出发的时候,对于整个旅程还是感到相当激动和向往的。

4.A pfeboat was ready to set out from the shore.一艘救生船已准备好离岸出发。

5.he chains of the rigorous regime which had bound me snapped for good when I set out from home.紧紧套在我身上的锁链,自我一离家就咯嚓一声永远断开了。

6.Like many boats before it that have reached land safely, the wrecked vessel is thought to have set out from Indonesia.正如先前许多安全到达该岛的船一样,失事船应该也是从印度尼西亚出发的。

7.Like many boats before that have reached land safely, the wrecked vessel is thought to have set out from Indonesia.像之前很多安全抵达的船一样,这艘失事船被认为是从印尼出发的。

8.A team of powers from the United Kingdom set out from the Hudson River on Sunday to try to cross the Atlantic Ocean.上周日英国一只划船队从休斯顿出发穿越大西洋。他们希望将此行的目的地定为西西里群岛。

9.Set out from the angle of the engineering applying, deduct calculations of air spring vertical stiffness with different guiding accessories.从工程应用的角度出发,推导了不同导向附件的空气弹簧垂向刚度的计算式。

10.To meet locals, join one of the groups which set out from Phnom Penh every weekend.要想和当地人交往,可以参加每个周末从金边出发的团体。