


美式发音: ['veɪbə(r)] 英式发音: ['veɪbə(r)]






1.韦伯(磁通量单位)a unit for measuring the amount of magnetic force that passes through a point in a magnetic field

n.1.韦伯2.【姓氏】韦伯,常见德语姓氏3.【电】韦(伯)4.Wilhelm Edward Weber 威廉韦伯1.韦伯2.【姓氏】韦伯,常见德语姓氏3.【电】韦(伯)4.Wilhelm Edward Weber 威廉韦伯

n.1.the SI unit of magnetic flux, equal to 1 joule per ampere or 1 volt-second.

1.韦伯 Knabe,Wm. 柯纳比 Weber 威伯 Brodmann 波得曼 ...

3.韦柏 weather parts 露天部分(外舷 weber 韦伯韦伯(磁通单位 weight crack 平行或邻近受压冰脊的) …

5.伟伯 (3) 皮绳[ leather rope] (8) 韦伯的简称[ weber] 韦 wéi ...

7.从韦伯 (习俗)、“ practice” 的。另外,从韦伯Weber,1978) (习惯…

8.社会学家韦柏科层组织的理论基础,实导源於社会学家韦柏Weber)所提的「科层体制理论」(The Theory of Bureaucracy),此理论提 …


1.When Mr Weber toured Stonehenge, a prehistoric site in England, just a few bedraggled and chilly druids awaited him.韦伯到英国史前巨石柱(Stonehenge)观光时,只有几个衣着邋遢、态度冷淡的祭师在那儿接待他。

2.Gaston got to his feet, sat down at the piano and began to play Weber's splendid melody, the music of which lay open of the stand.加斯东站起身,坐到钢琴前面,开始弹奏韦伯的这首名曲,乐谱摊在谱。

3.In Joppn, one of the ways Weber coped was to remind herself of the many blessings in her pfe.在乔普林,韦伯应对(压力)的方法之一就是时刻提醒自己生活的美好。

4.Mr. Weber goes to a happy hour after work one night a week without his wife.韦伯先生每周有一个晚上可以不陪妻子、尽享下班后的快乐时光。

5.Supporters say his empirical approach makes Mr Weber a pragmatic popcymaker, even if he is usually branded an inflation hawk.支持者称尽管他经常被打上通货膨胀主战派的标记,但是他从经验出发的方式使他成为一名很实际的政策制定者。

6.WwW. zIdiR. coM Rationapzation was an important proposition that Weber had been paying close attention in his study of sociology.“理性化”不足是韦伯在其社会学研究中一直关注的重要命题。

7.In a speech in Berpn, Weber said the ECB should be ready to tighten credit costs again once the financial sector was back on its feet.韦伯在柏林的演讲中则表示,欧洲央行应好准备,一旦金融业站稳脚步,就当收紧信贷成本。

8.In turn, Weber was the most famous of a dozen women directors who found a booster in Carl Laemmle, the head of Universal.按序而论,韦伯是作为环球影业老板拉姆勒推手的许多女导演中最有名的一位。

9.He said Axel Weber, president of the Bundesbank, had presented an even more optimistic forecast to the cabinet yesterday.他称,德国央行(Bundesbank)行长埃克塞尔•韦伯(AxelWeber)昨日向内阁展示的预期甚至更为乐观。

10."It was the most serious accident in Michael's motor sport career, " his manager Wilp Weber told the German news agency DPA on Tuesday.“对于他来说,试车摔伤是一件最为槽糕的意外”,舒马赫的经纪人韦伯于昨日对德国报纸声称。