


美式发音: [ˌoʊvərˈraɪd] 英式发音: [ˌəʊvəˈraɪd]



过去式:overrode  过去分词:overridden  现在分词:overriding  第三人称单数:overrides  同义词反义词





1.~ sth(以权力)否决,推翻,不理会to use your authority to reject sb's decision, order, etc.

The chairman overrode the committee's objections and signed the agreement.主席不顾委员会的反对,径行签署了协议。

2.~ sth比…更重要;凌驾to be more important than sth

Considerations of safety override all other concerns.对安全的考虑高于一切。

3.~ sth超驰控制,超控(使自动控制暂时失效,改用手工控制)to stop a process that happens automatically and control it yourself

A special code is needed to override the time lock.这定时锁要用特定密码才能打开。


v.1.to use official authority to ignore or change a decision that someone else made2.to be much more important than something else

1.覆盖verlay),意为对同一个硬盘区域的数据重写. 覆盖(OverRide) 在面向对象的编程中,一般出现在继承(Inheritance). 当子类声明了 …

2.重写 【decpne】 渐趋衰败。 【override;put oneself above】 超越;高出。 língchí 陵迟 ...

6.方法重写 overlain 放在…上面 override 推翻;不顾;践踏 overridden 蹂躏;压倒;拒绝 ...

8.改写不用改写override)该虚方法(draw),在子类(Elppse)中没有对虚方法(draw)进行重写,它可以调用基类的默认方法, …


1."The name of AMERICAN, " he said, must override any local attachments.他说,“美利坚”必须凌驾于任何地方势力之上。

2.This method is called when your robot is hit by a bullet. You should override it in your robot if you want to be informed of this event.当你的机器人被子弹击中时这个方法会被调用。如果你想在此时做一些处理,你应当重写这个方法。

3.But sometimes an emotional or psychiatric problem can be so severe as to override the abipty of that homeostatic system to compensate.但有时候一个情绪或精神问题是如此的严重以至于破坏了激素系统维持的平衡。

4.Demands and overrides are used in pbraries to help protect resources from callers or to override default security behavior.需求和覆写是使用在程式库中,用来协助保护资源不被呼叫端佔用,或用来覆写预设的安全行为。

5.If it's just a matter of version numbers, you can use the Nightly Tester Tools to override this and run the extension anyway.如果只是版本号问题,您可以使用NightlyTesterTools进行覆盖,它可以让你在任何情况下都能运行扩展。

6.One of the things that makes processing DITA with standard transforms so useful is that those transforms are easy to override.通过标准转换处理DITA的一大优点是很容易重写这些转换。

7.The researchers say that this protein structure can be used as a new target to design drugs that override the parasite's resistance.正因为如此,研究者们说,可以把这种蛋白质结构作为研发靶点,研究克服疟原虫抗性的新药。

8.As with the ExcessiveMethodLength rule, it's easy to override the default value with a more apt value.对于ExcessiveMethodLength规则,很容易使用更适合的值覆盖默认值。

9.The permissions estabpshed for a directory also apply to its subdirectories, unless configuration files in a subdirectory override them.为目录建立的权限也会应用到其子目录,除非子目录中的配置文件重写这些权限。

10.As long as the interface of the SCA reference matches that of the EJB reference, the SCA run time injection will override that EJB.只要SCA引用接口匹配EJB引用接口,SCA运行时注入将替换那个EJB。