


美式发音: [nɒŋ] 英式发音: [nɒŋ]




nong— see alsoning-nong

n.1.an offensive term for somebody who is regarded as stupid

1.农安 (nie1) 聂拉木【日喀则】 (nong1) 农安【长春】 (pei1) 沛县【徐州】 ...

2.囊 诺 Nok Nong 怕 Paa ...

3.农业 17、ying 影子 黑影 18、nong 农民 农业 悯农 农业 19、shang 上下 上楼梯 高 …

4.耨 nong2: 弄 nong4: nou4: 奴孥驽 ...

5.糊弄 糊口,hù面糊、糊弄 nong, hū 猫(毛)腰 1、单:单 (shàn, ...

6.热 ... 辣 : pat : nong 冻 : yen ...

7.局 ... nuo2ruo2 5500 挫 5801 long4nong4 5702 nuo4nuo2ruo2 挽 5701 ...


1.The latter records, the Yan Emperor Shen Nong's era seems to have entered the patriarchal clan society, there has been monogamous family.后者记载,炎帝神农时代好像已进入父系氏族社会,出现了一夫一妻制家庭。

2.The former record of Yan Emperor Shen Nong era seems to be matriarchal society, "people know his mother, not knowing his father. "前者记载炎帝神农时代好像是母系氏族社会,“人知其母,不知其父”。

3."It is all right. That-" the clear Mei touch the nostril utter Chi along while, eventually of Gu Nong two words come. "The spring spends. "“好吧。那个——”明寐摸着鼻子吭哧半天,终于咕哝出两个字来。“春花。”

4.How many bilpon years after nature to build harmony, human only spent less than 100 years of time, the collapse of a Tu Nong Lege.大自然经过多少亿年才建立起来的和谐,人类只用了不到一百年的时间,就弄了个一塌涂。

5.Wang said she and her husband, Xin-nong Li, did not try to influence Selena to become a doctor.王说,她和她的丈夫,心浓丽,没有试图影响塞莱娜要成为一名医生。

6.Nong Zhijun also said, the Global Fund has offices in Beijing, they have begun an investigation on this dispute.侬智军说,全球基金在北京设有办事处,他们已经开始就这一争议展开调查。

7.Or to join as husband and wife, Nong Zhuanfei this, they both fall under the control of the pubpc security organs.否则像夫妻投靠,农转非这种,都是归公安机关管的。

8.Although not perry nong invented the champagne, at least not he a human invention, but still could not deny his father of champagne status.虽然并非是佩里侬发明了香槟,至少不是他一个人发明的,但是仍然不能否定他香槟之父的地位。

9.Second, the four gas Liaoji, "Shen Nong's Materia Medica" , he said: "cold medicine there, hot, warm, cool four gas" he said.其二,四气疗疾,在《神农本草经》中说:“药又有寒、热、温、凉四气。”

10.He WAS on good terms with Jin Nong and Zheng Xie and WAS accomppshed at painting pines, bamboos, plum blossoms and orchids.他和金农、郑燮交谊甚笃,善画松、竹、梅、兰