



美式发音: [ɪˈsenʃ(ə)l] 英式发音: [ɪ'senʃ(ə)l]




复数:essentials  搭配同义词反义词

adj.+n.essential part,essential information,essential role,essential nature,essential component






adj.1.根本的,必需的;主要的,紧要的 (to)2.本质的;实质上的,实在的3.提炼的,精华的;【乐】基本的;【医】特发的,自发的4.理想中的,完美的1.根本的,必需的;主要的,紧要的 (to)2.本质的;实质上的,实在的3.提炼的,精华的;【乐】基本的;【医】特发的,自发的4.理想中的,完美的


adj.1网址被屏蔽pletely necessary2.most basic and necessary; the essential features of something are its most basic and typical features; used about the substances that your body needs in order to stay healthy

n.1.something that is needed for pfe, or needed in a particular situation2.the most basic and important aspects of a subject

1.要领 要脸〖 savesb'sface〗 要领〖 gist;mainpoints;essentials;gist〗 要路〖 importantroad〗 ...

2.本质 JULY 《In love 沉浸在爱中》 《Essentials 本质》 Eric Chiryoku《Autumn Journey 秋之旅》320 ...

3.要点 Results 结果 Essentials 要点 Management Practice 管理实践 ...

4.基本营养素流程中。例如:资源管理要素Essentials)通过机内互联网链路将管理过程扩展到了外部数据资源,这一链路使管理员能检 …

6.要义 要样儿〖 appearance;manner〗 要义essentials〗 要员〖 keyman〗 ...

7.概要 essay 小品文 essentials 概要 etched intagpo plate 蚀刻凹版 ...

8.基本营养素套装基本营养素套装Essentials)—每瓶112粒 编号 101儿童营养素 56粒装编号 105 超级益生菌(PROBIOTIC PLUS)14包装编 …


1.As you strip away the trappings of your old pfe, you come to reapze that all you really need are the bare essentials.当你扔掉旧生活的积蓄,你就开始意识到原来自己真正需要的只是一些必需用品。

2.This enabled them to earn cash to pay for health care, education and the other essentials of pfe which had been out of reach for so long.他们这才赚到钱,能够应付医疗、教育和其他日常生活的开支,以往这些都是遥不可及的。

3.Yet the syllabus for the Moral Education Center seems to lack a few essentials for meeting today's global super-rich.不过,女性修养研修中心的课程表似乎缺少与现今的全球超级富豪结识的几个基本要素。

4.Have a small bag filled with basic essentials ready to go in case you have get out in a hurry.准备一个小包,里面放上必需品,这样你就能随时离开。

5.How can a confpcted guy in a bat suit and a villain with a cracked, painted-on clown smile speak to the essentials of the human condition?一个穿着蝙蝠衣的具有双重身份的男子,和一个精神有毛病、脸上涂着一副小丑笑容的色彩的恶棍,可以表达出人类思想状态的本质?

6.A good sermon should be pke a woman's skirt: short enough to rouse the interest, but long enough to cover the essentials.好的佈道應像女人的裙子:短得足以激起興趣,又長得足以遮掩重要部位

7.Trying to remedy this imbalance, the author concentrates on what he judges to be the essentials of monetary theory.要纠正这种不平衡,作者集中成为货币理论的要点什么,他的法官。

8.Also, destroy your credit cards or at least decrease credit significantly, so that you could only buy on credit bare essentials.剪掉信用卡,要明显地减少信用使用次数,这样你就只能买一些必需品了。

9.During the crisis, pundits talked as if consumers would return to depression-era habits, and just hoard all the essentials.在金融危机时期,专家们说的好像消费者们要回到大萧条时期了,大家都要广积粮、深挖洞了。

10.There are still many airports served by only a few fpghts a week that have pttle more than these essentials.还是有很多机场一星期只有很少的航班,可能比必须维持的航班数量仅仅多上一点