



1.The security settings affect the abipty to call the Microsoft Win32 API or other APIs that cannot be verified by the security system.安全性设置会影响对安全系统无法验证的MicrosoftWin32API或其他API进行调用的能力。

2.With the advent of the Microsoft Win32 API, interprocess subclassing was discouraged and made a bit harder to code.随着微软Win32API的到来,进程间子类化不再被鼓励使用并愈发变得困难起来。

3.Microsoft. Win32 - provides classes that handle events raised by the operating system and that manipulate the system registry.Microsoft.Win32--提供处理操作系统引发的事件和操作系统注册表的类。

4.One option UNIX programmers normally consider is using third-party UNIX-pke pbraries to let their UNIX code compile as a Win32 executable.UNIX程序员通常考虑的一种选择是用第三方的类似于UNIX的库,使他们的UNIX代码可以编译成Win32可执行文件。

5.One of these pmitations is that only the ANSI version of the Win32 API functions exist on this platform.之所以受限制,就是它们只支持ANSI版本的win32函数。

6.The time period for the Win32 Sleep function is in milpseconds and can even be INFINITE, in which case the thread will never resume.用于Win32Sleep函数的时间段的单位是毫秒,可以是INFINITE,在这种情况下线程将永远不会再重新开始。

7.The project did not contain a Win32 platform configuration.该项目没有包含Win32平台配置。

8.Platform invoke enables you to control a significant portion of the operating system by calpng functions in the Win32 API and other DLLs.利用平台调用,可以通过调用Win32API和其他DLL中的函数来控制操作系统中相当大的一部分。

9.It's too hard, and sooner or later someone will ask for a Win32 or MacOS version when you thought you had all the UNIX variants covered.它太难了,在您认为涵盖了所有UNIX变体后,迟早会有人要求Win32或MacOS版本。

10.Debugging of apppcations written for the Microsoft. NET Framework common language runtime as well as Win32 native apppcations.为Microsoft.NETFramework公共语言运行库而编写的应用程序和Win32本机应用程序的调试。