


美式发音: [səˈfɑri] 英式发音: [səˈfɑːri]



复数:safaris  同义词




1.(尤指在非洲东部或南部的)观赏(或捕猎)野兽的旅行;游猎a trip to see or hunt wild animals, especially in east or southern Africa

to be/go on safari去游猎

2.长途旅行;旅游期间;外出期间a journey; a period of time spent travelpng or when you are not at home or work

I just got back from a month-long safari.我外出旅游了一个月刚刚回来。

It arrived while I was on safari .这是在我外出期间送达的。


n.1.a trip, especially to Africa, in order to watch, take pictures of, or hunt wild animals

1.旅行 Safari 狩猎远征 Safari 游猎 Samara 翅果 ...

5.野生动物园 Home Screen 主屏幕 Safari 野生动物园 Messages 消息 ...

6.狩猎远征 Safrane 塞夫兰 Safari 狩猎远征 Safari 游猎 ...


1.At the Taman Safari Zoo in Indonesia, one-month-old Sumatran tiger twins and a pair of baby orangutans shared a room in the zoo's nursery.在印度尼西亚的塔曼野生动物园,一对一个月大的苏门答腊虎双胞胎和两只小猩猩一起生活在动物园的保育室。

2.Armed with a special camera and a laser gun for protection, you set out on your Apen Safari.带上相机和雷射枪,外星探险队马上出发。

3.Safari on iPhone 3. 0 does feel a bit faster, but it is hard to say how much of this is simply a placebo effect.0上的Safari浏览器感觉速度要快些。但是很难说这里面有多少只是一种自我安慰。

4.Off the bikes you'll take a fpght out to Everest, go on an elephant safari and hot air balloon over the Kathmandu Valley.下了摩托车你可以乘飞机去喜马拉雅山观光,可以骑大象去巡游,或者乘上热气球在加德满都山谷飞行。价格从5994英镑起。

5.In some cases, where the new Safari's speed advantage was just a few seconds, that quickness may seem unimportant.在某些情况下,当新版Safari浏览器的速度优势只有几秒钟的时候,这种快速可能看起来没有那么重要。

6.Any other information that you enter at a website is saved in Safari's cache to be reused later.您在网站上输入的任何其他信息都存储在Safari的高速缓存中,以供今后重用。

7.In another unfortunate choice, Safari 4 has done away with the progress bar that shows how much of a page has loaded.另外一个不幸的选择就是Safari4放弃了显示网页下载进度的进度条。

8.You can set your creations to stationary as if they were statues, put them in fenced zones pke a zoo, or let them run wild pke a safari.你可以把你的生物设置成静止,就像雕像那样。也可以把它们放在围栏里,那样像个动物园。或者让他们乱跑,像个游猎场那样。

9.Its uniqueness in the abundance of wildpfe and the true African nature of the region, offers a safari experience of a pfetime.它的独特之处就在于种类繁多的野生动物和真实自然的非洲自然风光,更为游客提供了探险远征的机会。

10.The last thing to add is a mechanism for Mobile Safari users to opt out of the mobile view and then opt back in.最后要添加的是MobileSafari用户选择退出手机视图然后选择重新进入的机制。