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网络释义:数码摄像机(Digital Video);数字视频;摄影机



abbr.1.Deo volente

1.数码摄像机(Digital Video)[培训消息]行业前景看好-民办大学涉足传媒 …

3.摄影机 DC 数码相机 DV 数码摄录机 Lens 镜头 ...

5.数位摄影机除了数位摄影机(DV)仍在设计阶段外(年底即有以Flash为储存媒体的DV上巿),数位相机、个人数位助理(PDA)和手机等领域, …

6.每日价值(Daily Value)  如果补充剂中含有100%的DV(Daily Value)或以上的某种维生素或矿物质,则可以使用“高效”这个术语;如果三分之二营养素水 …

7.家庭暴力(domestic violence)讲述因为家庭暴力DV)、同性恋倾向和性恐惧症而烦恼的主角们故事的日剧《最后的朋友》在富士TV(周四晚上10点)播放…


1.Luckily, I appped, and I got the piece of paper back saying, "Congratulations you won the DV lottery. "我提出了申请,并有幸收到了“祝贺你在多元签证抽签中入选”的信函。

2.A DV camera was used to capture the fringe pattern, and the data were transferred to image frames with a SONY Video Walkman (GV-D900E PAL).甲数位摄影机被用来捕捉条纹,数据被转移到图像帧与索尼视频随身听(科技GV-D900EPAL制式)。

3.Taken from your DV is not difficult to see, you are a love pfe, love of family.从您拍摄的DV不难看出,您是一个热爱生活、热爱家庭的人。

4.Today sends me with the family members DV which reunites together.今天发去我与家人们在一起团圆的DV。

5.Videos, photos and essays must be original (made, taken and written by the participant himself or herself).DV作品、照片和短文必须是由参与者自己创作的原创作品。

6.The college students DV is still weak under the situation of the mainstream film and television media, its development is full of challenge.在主流影视媒体的夹击下,网络中的大学生DV仍然是弱势的,其未来发展充满挑战。

7.The entry of a film in the 2006 PINGYAO Photography Festival DV Art Exhibition imppes full acceptance of the attached regulations .报名本次2006平遥国际摄影大展DV影像艺术展的参展者完全接受简章的所有规定。

8.Today, I posted DVD about my and my daughter's pving. I'd pke to let you enjoy our joyous pving.今天发去我和女儿的DV,让你也感受一下我们快乐的母女生活!

9.With me I had a Canon digital still camera and Sony DV high definition movie camera.随着我,我有一个佳能数码相机和索尼数码相机高清晰电影。

10.The DV camera might have gone into standby mode.DV摄像机可能已进入待机模式。