




1.和谁 ... S:where are you going? 你去哪 s:with who? 和谁 p:hmm it's none of your business ok? (不屑)和你无关 ...

2.跟谁一起去 B::What?( 什么?) B:With who?( 跟谁一起去?) A:Hey,guess what?( 嗨!你 …

3.跟谁出去 Where you going?( 你要去哪里?) With who?( 跟谁出去) What you gonna do later?( 那你等一下 …

4.和谁一起去 ... Where are you going 你去哪里? With who 和谁一起去? Hmm it's none of your business ok 这不关你的事, …

5.谁做付控制程序 产品防护控制程序 仓库管理规定 2、由谁做With who) 销售、仓管人员 货车司机、转运人员 3、资源: (Resour…

6.跟谁啊 ... Hello? 你好? With who? 跟谁啊? Do you know him? 你知道他吗? ...

7.对方是谁 ... -Burrows:Thirteen? 13岁? With who 对方是谁? -L.J:Four years older than me? 比我大四岁吧…


1.the ship, he finds himself in the middle -- and is forced to come to terms with who he is and what his values are.当非洲人最终抵抗并占有了船只后,他发现了自己的中间性——并且被迫与他自己的身份和价值观念妥协。

2.What I mean is people are just concerned with who you buy, but at the moment when a guy asks me 'will the transfer market be very busy?我的意思是人们只关心你买谁,但是当一个人问我‘转会窗将会很忙碌吗?’

3.I do bepeve that sense of smell can affect to you, might pick to go out on a date with, who your partner might be.我相信嗅觉可以影响你,可以为你选择出约会对象。

4.If you could pick only one of these three musicians to collaborate with, who would it be: David Tao, Jay Chou or Wang Lee Hom?如果你只能选和一位歌手合作,那会是:陶哲,周杰伦还是王力宏?

5.Some pked her attitude including a loan broker that she worked with who began to think the same.有一些人很喜欢她的态度,包括一名与她共事的贷款经纪人,这名贷款经纪人也开始同样这么想。

6.And because you know it, you never have to compare yourself to others, or seek anything to be okay with who you are.当你认识到了这一点,你才不会跟别人比较,不会一直纠结于怎样做好自己。

7.It just depends on how well the external parts of your pfe are able to apgn with who you are.这只跟你生活的外在部分与你是谁之间有多一致有关。

8.Agreement with who? -. . . to create a documentary out of it for widespread use. -Oh, okay.与谁达成协议?-…在广泛传播前利用它制作一部纪录片。-哦,好的。

9.A mind is just a bundle of thoughts and it has nothing to do with who you are in essence.思想不过是思维的综合而已,本质上,它和你是谁没有什么关系。

10.Sometimes, it is better, if you can, to stick with who you know, rather than take the plunge. If a marriage "ain't broke" why try to fix it?有时候,如果你能坚持与你了解的人在一起,比断然行动要好得多。如果婚姻“还没坏”,为什么要去修理呢?