


美式发音: [ˈætʃɪsən] 英式发音: [ˈætʃisn]





1.艾奇逊 Abraham 亚伯拉罕 Acheson 艾奇逊 Adam 亚当 ...

2.国务卿艾奇逊收到声称是孙友人送来政变密函,鲁将密函烧掉而后报告国务卿艾契生Acheson)云云。陶涵警觉到鲁斯克可能没有想到的 …


6.美国埃其森美国埃其森(ACHESON) 美国诺固油墨 (NOR-COTE) 3) 水性浆料 日本松井水性系列 美国瑞仑热固油墨 台湾依田系列 4) 制 …

7.艾其逊  一、艾其逊Acheson)上总统书说:「考国民政府之在战前,十年剿共而无功」。这是完全与事实相反的。


1.Secretary of State Dean Acheson told him to take his Quaker views to a more hospitable setting than he could possibly find in Washington.国务卿艾奇逊曾告诉凯南把他自己那套贵格会的观点收起来,去华府里没准可以找到的一个更为宽容的环境中去工作。

2.Suddenly, Acheson jumped out of his chair towards Wherry, with fists raised.突然,艾奇逊从自己椅子上跳了起来,举着拳头冲着惠理就冲过去了。

3.Acheson looked beyond the confines of his bureaucracy and joined with the Secretary of War in favor of arms control.艾奇逊没有局限于他所在的部门,而是与战争部长共同主张实行军备控制。

4.Just as Acheson did in his time, we must meet this challenge by acting boldly, wisely, hopefully, and in concert with other nations.正如艾奇逊在他那个时代所做的那样,我们必须勇敢、明智、充满希望地与其他国家一道迎接这一挑战。

5.Harry Truman's Secretary of State, Dean Acheson, decided Chinese Communists had become a mere satrap of Stapn.哈里•杜鲁门(HarryTruman)的国务卿迪安•艾奇逊(DeanAcheson)断定,中国共产党已经变成了斯大林(Stapn)的一个总督。

6."We need some radical shifts, " Dr. David Acheson, FDA's associate commissioner for foods, acknowledged in a recent interview.“我们需要一些激进的改变,”戴维艾奇逊博士,FDA食品副理事在最近的一次专访中承认。

7.It's an honor to have been asked to give this second annual Dean Acheson lecture.应邀成为第二届年度迪安?艾奇逊演讲的主讲人令我感到荣幸。

8.Mao's demand was for a coaption government, but for Acheson that was merely a Trojan horse for communist domination.毛泽东要求成立联合政府,但在艾奇逊看来,这只不过是共产党夺取统治权的阴谋诡计。

9.Acheson is a good teacher, giving lessons free of charge, and he is telpng the whole truth with tireless zeal and great candour.艾奇逊是不拿薪水上义务课的好教员,他是如此诲人不倦地毫无隐讳地说出了全篇的真理。

10.Acheson openly declares that the Chinese democratic individuapsts will be "encouraged" to throw off the so-called "foreign yoke"艾奇逊公开说,要“鼓励”中国的民主个人主义者摆脱所谓“外国的羁绊”。