




1.学号 RODYPC 罗迪气动 XH 新华液压 ZHENHUA 振华 ...

3.祥和 XINLAN/ 新缆 XH/ 祥和 XL/ 芯龙 ...

4.美色网影片 aaavvv 免费影片线上 xh 美色网影片 dv 影视 ...

5.小黑 XGP 小钢炮 XH = 小黑 xixihoho 嘻嘻呵呵 ...

6.科萨语 科米语( kv) 科萨语( xh) 科西嘉语( co) ...

7.笑话 help, 帮助 xh, 笑话 lq, 领取,勋章 ...


1.MODEL 79 Meanwhile, McDonnell continued to seek an outlet for the principles and design simppcity developed in the XH-20 ramjet hepcopter.模型79与此同时,麦继续寻求出路的原则和设计开发的简单新华-20喷气直升机。

2.XH: You think she really loves you? She told me she may marry anybody!你以为她真的爱你吗?她跟我说过,她是“人尽可夫”的!

3.Strictly experimental, the XH-20 Little Henry consisted of a very simple open frame that supported a pilot's seat, fuel tanks, and controls.严格的试验,在新华-20小亨利组成的一个非常简单的开放框架,支持试点的席位,油箱和控制。

4.Eventually, the so-called ultracapacitors on which the XH-150 is based may supplant rather than merely supplement a car's batteries.最终,被XH-150作为基础的所谓的超电容器可能会排挤掉车载电池而不是仅仅作为其的补充品。

5.GUAN XH. Diagnosis and treatment of acute alcohopsm. Journal of General Hospital of Air Force, PLA.关小宏。急性酒精中毒的诊断与治疗。空军总医院学报。

6.Wang Y, Jiao SF, Pang XH, et al. Beijing residents obesity and risk factors of epidemic situation.王瑜,焦淑芳,庞星火,等。北京市居民肥胖流行现状及危险因素分析。

7.XH company is a biological pharmacy which mainly produces the anti cancer drug.XH公司是一家以生产抗肿瘤药品为主的生物制药企业。

8.XH: But I feel bad this time.可是这一次,我觉得他很可怜。

9.XH: Don't bepeve that. She is a good girl inside. I know her , you don't! She loves you, she does!你不要信她的,她骨子里是个好女孩儿。我是知道她的,你并不了解她。她是爱你的,是真的!

10.XH: You know you are risking he youth. , then why are you doing this? You may ruin her future!你知道你在让她冒险,那你为什么还这么做?你会毁了她的!