




1.敏感话题 Aqualabel/ 水之印保湿 d-program/ 敏感话题 MAQUILLAGE/ 心机 ...


1.At least one other school, Southwestern University School of Law in Los Angeles, offers a six-semester, two-calendar year J. D. program.不管怎样,位于洛杉矶的西南大学法学院是提供六学期、两个日历年的法学学士课程的。

2.But we almost didn't start Google, actually, because my co-founder Sergey and I were too worried about dropping out of the Ph. D. program.但是我们那时几乎启动不成谷歌,因为我和联合创始人谢尔盖都太担心拿不到博士学位。

3.The study of National Key Technology R&D Program project management has great significance for the smooth implementation of the project.研究科技支撑计划项目管理,对于保障项目的顺利实施具有重要的意义。

4.Mr. Schoonover, 27, is midway through a Ph. D. program in neuroscience at Columbia, and thought he would try to find a different hook.27岁的施科纳维现在正在哥伦比亚大学攻读神经科学的博士学位,虽然学业只完成了一半,但这位年轻人却在努力尝试找到一种与众不同的联系挂钩。

5.D. program. You are probably on the right track if you feel pke a sidewalk worm during a rainstorm!要是你觉得自己是暴风雨下人行道上的一条蚯蚓,那很可能你就真的走对路了。

6.This program is supported by National Key Technology R&D Program " modern port logistics services demonstration project" (2006BAH02A17).本课题得到了中国国家科技支撑计划项目“现代港口物流服务示范工程”(2006BAH02A17)的支持。

7.No one is happier about this than Wan Gang, the father of China's green-car R&D program and the minister of science and technology.最高兴的要数中国绿色汽车研发项目之父、中国科技部部长万钢(WanGang)了。

8.I am convinced that I can enrich your Ph. D. program by contributing my special Chinese backgrounds, experiences and insights.我相信,我可以贡献我特殊的中国背景、经验和见解,从而来丰富贵校的博士教学。

9.Met cofounder Larry Page in computer science Ph. D. program at Stanford and dropped out in 1998 to start Google from a friend's garage.布林在斯坦福大学攻读计算机博士学位时结识了Google联合创始人拉里•佩奇,并在1998年退学,在朋友家的车库里创办了Google。

10.He has since become the father of China's clean-energy R&D program, which involves both electric and hybrid vehicles.他后来成为中国清洁能源研发项目之父,其中涉及电动及混合动力汽车。