


美式发音: ['zaɪləm] 英式发音: ['zaɪləm]





1.木质部(植物中将水分和矿物质从根部向上输送的组织)the material in plants that carries water and minerals upwards from the root


n.1.the woody supportive plant tissue that carries water and dissolved minerals from the roots through the stem and leaves

1.木质部 韧皮部分子 phloem element 木质部(木材) xylem 韧皮部(内皮) phloem ...

2.本质部 ... xerophyte 旱生植物 xylem 本质部 yam 山芋 ...

3.莱默 ... 「Tree Sappngs」 (树苗) 「Xylem」 (植物的木质部) 「Plans」 (材料…

5.木质部内物质上升的原理 Xylary ray 木质部髓线 Xylem 木材,木部 Xylem mother cell 木部母细胞 ...

7.木部 xylan 木聚糖 xylem 木部 xylene bromide 澳代二甲苯 ...

8.木本植物於其木质部轮伐期决定 Rotation Age 林木的生长:木本植物於其木质部xylem)、韧皮部(phloem)、边材(sapwood)、 内表皮(in…


1.Heartwood(duramen) The hard central region of a tree trunk made up of xylem vessels that are no longer involved in water transport.是位于树干中部的硬质区域,由已不涉及水分传输的木质部导管构成。

2.Procedurally , xylem pressure potentials can be measured by cutting a stem from a plant and placing it in a pressure bomb apparatus.程序,木质部压力潜力可以通过削减源于植物和安置它测量在取样压力计用具。

3.Out of the xylem, there is lot of fiber and the tannin crystal distributes around the air cavity.叶脉中厚壁组织发达,木质部外纤维数量众多,在气腔周围有单宁结晶分布。

4.The recently developed xylem-pressure probe technique is the only means to directly measure negative pressure in xylem conduits.此外,木质部压力探针技术是目前唯一可以直接测定导管或管胞中负压的工具。

5.According above, diagram of a hypothetical pathway during secondary xylem differentiation was raised.进而由这些结果提出了木质部细胞分化机理的大致模型。

6.Such thickening allows extension of the XYLEM between the rings so that it is not ruptured as the surrounding tissues grow.这样的加厚允许木质部在环间沿展,当周围组织生长时,不会破裂。

7.The distribution of As in the pinna showed that As had great abipties to be transported in xylem vessels and from xylem to mesophyll.的分布情况如羽片显示,有很大的能力,在木质部运输船只和木质部,以叶肉。

8.The early formed secondary xylem was characterized by a large number of wood fiber cells with non woody cell wall.早期生成的次生木质部以细胞壁尚未木质化的木纤维细胞数量居多为特征。

9.In older stems, only the most recent rings of xylem participate in the transport of materials. These make up the sapwood.在老茎中,仅最新的木质部环参与物质的运输。这些木质部环组成边材。

10.The xylem sap of bottle gourd No. 3 as rootstock was the best one to promote grafting seedpng of cucumber to grow significantly.华瓠杂3号做砧木的嫁接苗伤流液对黄瓜苗的生长有明显的促进作用;