




1.喷出 ... spirometer 肺量计 spirt 喷出 spiry 尖端的 ...

2.灵魂 St. John's College 圣约翰学院 Spirt Flora Ho Sports Centre 对面 ...

4.心灵 指标 Tipo 心灵 SPIRT 自信 VISTA ...

5.小精灵 ply 百合 SPIRT 小精灵。 Lilac 丁香 ...

6.典雅 FUN 童趣 spirt 典雅 hit 大花 ...


1.When I am burned out infuse me with the pght of the Holy Spirt.当我耗尽时,以圣灵之光激励我。

2.Well, you are wrong! I have as much soul and heart as you . It's my spirt that speak to your spirt! We're equal in the sight of god!那么你错了,我和你一样有血有肉,我的灵魂在对你的灵魂讲话,我们在上帝眼里是平等的!

3.Former French President Giscard d'Estaing recently said that the spirt of amity in Europe should be restored.前法国总统吉斯卡尔·德斯坦最近曾表示,欧洲和睦的精神应当回归。

4.Own team spirt and glad to cooperate with others about common object.有团队精神,能积极协作,共同实现团队目标。

5.There is one Master, the Guiding Spirt of all souls, who constantly leads his followers towards the pght.二指引所有灵魂,不断将追随者引致光明者,即是唯一上师。

6.Team spirt and enthusiasm is a must requirement.队喷出和热情是一个必须的要求。

7.it make you feel cleanply and natural and spirt fly upwards.精华,清爽自然,让您心情飞扬。

8.Let my spirt hung on the head of changsha.让我的灵魂笼罩着长沙。

9.A spirt storming in blank walls.一个幽灵飞沙走石在空白的墙间。

10.I have the spirt of team group and keep in touch with people who have different positions, working for law firm about 2 years.在律师事务所近两年的工作经验使我富有团队精神,并且能与各种不同身份的人保持良好的沟通。