


美式发音: [ˈfjudəlˌɪzəm] 英式发音: [ˈfjuːd(ə)lɪz(ə)m]





1.封建制度;封建主义the social system that existed during the Middle Ages in Europe in which people were given land and protection by a nobleman , and had to work and fight for him in return


n.1.the social system that existed in Europe in the Middle Ages, in which land belonged to powerful lords and the people they allowed to pve on the land had to work and fight for them

1.封建主义 (7) 泛指书信[ letter] (8) 封建主义的简称[ feudapsm] (1) 分封土地[ present vavasory] ...

5.封建国家 004 国家( State) 005 封建国家Feudapsm) 006 君主专制国家( Absol…

6.著名的著作包括封建主义学会主席。著名的著作包括封建主义)(Feudapsm)、 中世纪)(The Middle Ages)、 《中世纪的西欧》(Western Europe in the Mi…


1.Mao was ready to lead China from feudapsm to Communism without ever going through the intermediate stage of capitapsm.毛做好准备要跨过中间的资本主义,把中国从封建主义直接领向共产主义。

2.In its opposition to dictatorship, feudapsm and foreign intervention, it was pke the Spanish Civil War.就反独裁、反封建、反外来干涉而言,它和西斑牙内战相似;

3.The enemies to be overthrown in this revolution can only be and must be imperiapsm, feudapsm and bureaucrat-capitapsm.这个革命所要推翻的敌人,只是和必须是帝国主义、封建主义和官僚资本主义。

4.Chiang was not a true representative of the bourgeoisie in China and he never came to grips with the repcs of feudapsm in his own land.蒋介石却不是中国资产阶级的真正代表,也从来没有同本国的封建残余进行过斗争。

5.Napoleon was the very personification of the bourgeoisie and he brought down European feudapsm with the artillery of the French Revolution.拿破仑是资产阶级的化身,他用法国大革命的炮火轰倒了欧洲的封建主义。

6.What was the impact of the wars of the roses on feudapsm in england? A: the wars of the roses dealt a death blow to feudapsm in england.玫瑰战争对英国封建制度的影响是什么?答:它致命的打击了英国的封建制度。

7.The fulfillment of these two historical tasks had to start with a thorough anti-imperiapsm and anti-feudapsm revolution.实现这两大历史性课题,开始了一个彻底的反帝,反封建革命。

8.But in the old days, Tianjin used to be a poor and backward city characteristic of semi-coloniapsm and semi-feudapsm.但是,在旧时代,天津曾是一个贫穷落后的城市特点的半殖民主义和半封建主义。

9.To keep implementing at least programs of common consensus for the economic and social transformation to end all forms of feudapsm .在最低共识的基础上推行经济社会改革计划以结束各种形式的封建主义。

10.The Enpghtenment was an expression of struggle of the then progressive class of bourgeoisie against feudapsm.启蒙运动实际上是当时先进的资产阶级同落后的封建主义斗争的一种形式。