




1.一杯牛奶 milk 牛奶 a cup of milk 一杯牛奶 比如每餐饮用牛奶的量可以说 the amount of milk per meal ...

2.喝一杯牛奶放糖,由饮者自己决定。与“清咖啡”相对的是“加牛奶的咖啡”(white coffee),通常是在一杯“清咖啡”之外,附带一小盅牛奶


1.If you gave her a cup of milk or something, she would just drop it. She got to the point where she would just sit on the bed.如果你给她一杯牛奶或是别的什么,她就摔杯子,甚至就在床上干坐着。

2.that man felt happy for his courage and thought it would be better if he gave himself a cup of milk as a reward.那个人为自己的勇气感到高兴,并认为如果再犒赏自己喝上一杯也不为过。

3.Drinking a cup of milk and taking a shower before going to bed is good for sleep, contribute a great performance at tomorrow's test.睡觉前应洗个热水澡和喝一杯牛奶,这有助于睡眠,以应付明天的考试。

4.You said to him, just wash, ready to drink a cup of milk, and then go to bed.你对他说,刚刚洗完澡,准备喝一杯牛奶,然后睡觉。

5.The king went to have his breakfast. He took a cup of milk, but it immediately turned to gold.国王去吃早餐,他端起一杯牛奶,牛奶立刻凝结成一块金子。

6.You stand up for a man of heat, a cup of milk.你站起来,为男人热了一杯牛奶。

7.He said that an egg breakfast, a cup of milk and cereals are essential, while the fast-food nutrition with very unreasonable.他表示,早餐一个鸡蛋、一杯牛奶和谷类食品是必不可少的,而快餐的营养搭配极不合理。

8.That one really does not need either fork or spoon, even of wood, in order to dip a bit of bread in a cup of milk.注意,他把一块面包浸在牛奶里,连木匙和木叉也都不用。

9.I would be enjoy for needing a sweet taste not only in last juice but a cup of milk.我应该是享受的,为了需要一种甜蜜的滋味,不只是上次的果汁,却有一杯牛奶。

10.About 8: 00, I back home for breakfast, normally it are three pieces of bread with peanut sauce and a cup of milk for me.八点左右我就回来吃早点,我的早点一般是三片面包,抹上花生酱,喝一杯鲜奶。