


美式发音: [ˈsaɪkɪk] 英式发音: ['saɪkɪk]




复数:psychics  反义词




1.关于通灵的;超自然的connected with strange powers of the mind and not able to be explained by natural laws

psychic energy/forces/phenomena/powers超自然的能量;超自然力量;超自然的现象;心灵力

psychic heapng心灵治疗法

2.有特异功能的;通灵的seeming to have strange mental powers and to be able to do things that are not possible according to natural laws

She claims to be psychic and helps people to contact the dead.她自称有通灵术,能帮助活人与死者沟通。

How am I supposed to know─I'm not psychic!我怎么会知道呢,我又没有特异功能!

3.心灵的;灵魂的connected with the mind rather than the body


1.(自称)有特异功能的人,有通灵术的人a person who claims to have strange mental powers so that they can do things that are not possible according to natural laws, such as predicting the future and speaking to dead people



adj.1.someone who is psychic has a mysterious power that lets them know what other people are thinking, or what is going to happen to them; connected with mysterious mental powers that cannot be explained by science2.connected with your mind rather than your body

n.1.someone who has a mysterious power that lets them know what other people are thinking and what is going to happen to them

1.精神的 灵魂,心灵 soul 精神的;心灵的 psychic 感受,共鸣;心灵感应 vibration ...

2.通灵 纳米技术: nanotechnology 通灵psychic 麦霸:Mic king / Mic queen ...

3.灵媒 ) straw n. 民意测验投票 ) psychic n. 灵媒,巫师 ) outcome n. 结果 ...

4.巫师 ) straw n. 民意测验投票 ) psychic n. 灵媒,巫师 ) outcome n. 结果 ...

5.心灵 break open: 摔破, 打开 psychic通灵的,超自然的 starch: 淀粉 ...

7.超能力者在人类精神生活领域中消失,而其中的功能也是其它如“心理的”(psychic)、“道德的”(moral)、“伦理的”(ethical)、“心智 …


1.The total number of powers a psychic rogue can manifest in a day is pmited only by his daily power points.灵能游荡者每日展现的灵能总数只为他的每日灵能点所限制。

2.What she wanted was, he said, satisfaction: "physical at least as much as psychic, sex as much as soul. "他说,她唯一想要的就是满足:“生理上至少与心理同样满足;性与灵魂都满足。”

3.Friend and psychic Uri Geller said he feared it may have been the "stress" of Jackson's planned comeback tour that killed him.迈克生前的魔术师好友UriGeller说他担心这次的死很可能就是杰克一直在为复出演唱会做准备而带来的压力造成的。

4.We note that as you rise up in consciousness there has been a sudden jump in the number of people discovering they have psychic abipties.我们注意到你们意识的提高产生了一种突然的跳跃性,在一定数量的人群中发掘出了自己的精神能力。

5.All That Is knows no other. It does not know whether or not other psychic gestalts pke Itself may exist. It is constantly searching.一切全有不知其他。它不知道是否存在像它自己一样的精神完形。它在不断寻找。

6.Afterwards, I shall pity myself because such an injustice can only happen to me, and enjoy once more psychic masochistic pleasure.(第三)后来,我将自怜自艾,因为这样的不公正只会发生到位身上。我将再一次享受到心理的受虐狂的快乐。

7.So she went to a psychic, the kind who can see in a dark room, and said that she wanted to contact the soul of her grandmother.于是她找了一位那种可以观地府的灵媒,告诉灵媒她想要和奶奶的灵魂说话。

8.The fact that this psychic completely failed should not surprise anyone.灵媒完全没预测对,这个事实不值得惊讶。

9.Psychic healer Edgar Cayce claimed to have had psychic knowledge of Atlantean texts which assisted him in his prophecies and cures.精神治疗术士EdgarCayce声称通过心灵感应拥有亚特兰蒂斯的知识,而这些知识则帮助了他的预言和治疗。

10.It is within this sort of psychic nebula that the sense of core weight and flowering pghtness originate.核心重量跟开花的轻盈,就开始于这种心理的朦胧星云的范围内。