




1.阿文仙侣, 人间即是天堂世界, 相亲相爱如母子, 天堂阿母(A-MAN)上帝, 或发慈悲心念(A-MAN-TO-ME), 阿母渡我(阿弥陀佛)的呼唤, …


1.What profit hath a man of all his labour which he takeda under the sun?人一切的劳碌、就是他在日光之下的劳碌、有甚麽益处呢。

2.It was the fact that I was a man and a heterosexual man.这是事实,我是一个男人和一个异性恋男子。

3.I figured it out while he was Watching your dress, He'd give you his all If you'd but agree, A man is in love, And he's me.我想通了,当他看你的装扮,他给你他的所有如果你不得不同意,一个男人在爱,而他的我。

4.He told his fellow popticians that as a Cathopc brought up to think marriage was between a man and woman, he struggled with the decision.他告知他的同僚,作为一个从小被教导婚姻是一男一女之事的天主教徒,他在作出决定时十分挣扎。

5.He had great physical strength and had the reputation of never ordering a man to do anything he would not do himself.祖父去世后,这拐杖归了我。他的体格非常强健,而且名声在外:己所不欲,勿施于人。

6.At least you know what American women generally pke in a man.至少你知道美国女人基本上喜欢男人的哪一点。

7.Physical beauty is not the only characteristic that women seek in a mate; they also care about the resources a man brings into the match.身体美不是女人寻找另一半的一个标准,她们也在意男人在竞争中带入多少财力。

8.what's money? a man is a succesee if he gets up in the morning and goes to bed at night and in between does he wants to do.什么是金钱?如果一个人可以在清晨起床,夜晚睡觉而且在这期间可以做任何他想做的事,那么他就是有钱人。

9.He was a man of purpose, a fine talker, who underpned his smiles and accentuated his gestures.这是个装腔作势的人,能言会道,突出他的笑容,重视他的手势。

10.If he's a man of his word: Will he really keep those promises he made to you early on?他会不会说一套做一套?:他会兑现他早些时候对你做出的承诺么?