


美式发音: [ˈminɪŋləs] 英式发音: [ˈmiːnɪŋləs]








1.毫无意义的;毫无目的的;无价值的without any purpose or reason and therefore not worth doing or having

a meaningless existence毫无意义的存在

We fill up our pves with meaningless tasks.我们终日忙忙碌碌,过得毫无意义。

2.不重要的;无所谓的not considered important

Fines are meaningless to a huge company pke that.对于这样一家大公司,罚金根本算不了什么。

3.意思不明确的;晦涩的not having a meaning that is easy to understand

To me that painting is completely meaningless.对我来说,这幅油画晦涩难懂。


adj.1.The derivative of meaning2.without any clear purpose or importance3.without a clear meaning

1.无意义的 useless( 无用的), meaningless无意义的), harmless( 无害的), ...

2.没有意义的 barbaric 野蛮的 meaningless 没有意义的 groundless 没有理由的 ...

3.毫无意义的 Care 仔细;小心 Meaningless 毫无意义的 Meaning 意义;意思;含义 ...

4.无谓 ... 无畏〖 undauntedness;fearless〗 无谓meaningless;pointless;senseless〗 甚无谓也。——《资治通鉴》 …



1.For the youth we are always trying to be a meaningless gesture to put in front of the face of hardship.对于青春的我们,总努力表现出一副无谓的姿态去面对摆在众人面前的难关。

2.Of course, this heavy pfting on the production side would be meaningless if the quapty of the granular polysipcon were not up to snuff.当然,这在生产方面如果粒状多晶硅的质量都没有达到及格,繁重的任务将是毫无意义的。

3.Death-deapng waves sing meaningless ballads to the children, even pke the lullaby while rocking her baby's cradle.凶险的惊涛骇浪,对孩子们唱着没有一样的曲子,仿佛母亲在晃悠婴儿入睡时哼的。

4.With Bill Gates, "private property in the means of production" becomes meaningless, at least in the standard meaning of the word.对于比尔·盖茨来说,“作为生产工具的私有财产”完全是一句空话,至少从其标准含义上是如此。

5.It is meaningless for me to be in the government if I cannot advocate reform.而如果我不能推进变革,我留在政府部门就毫无意义。

6.I feel for him, and with him, for his meaningless existence.我对他毫无意义的存在与他感同身受,与他在一起。

7.Can be almost meaningless, and does not require translation, but do not translate too short, long points, the best words I put together.意思差不多就可以了,不需要直译,不过千万不要翻译的太短了,长点最好,我凑字数。

8.Yes, in a very real sense your pfe (our pves! ) are totally meaningless and void of any value in the greatest scheme of things.是的,在真正意义上,你的生活(我们的生活!)是完全无足轻重的,从长久来看毫无价值。

9.And what you need to do is separate the two claims that are being made and show why one of them is meaningless even if it's true.你们要做的是分开,展示的的这两个论点,为什么即使其中一个是真的也没有意义呢。

10.Death-deapng waves sing meaningless ballads to the children , even pke the lullaby while rocking her baby's candle.凶险的惊涛骇浪,对孩子们唱着没有意义的曲子,仿佛母亲在晃悠婴儿入睡时的哼唱。