




1.顶尖 ... D — DREAM 梦想 A — Top one 顶尖,卓越,第一 Do — JUST DO IT 做…

4.犬之舍 宠物城 Megapet 犬之舍 Top One 百份百宠物美容屋 100% Pet Grooming House ...

5.一代 ... 其它 乐图 Lotto 外贸足球鞋 大博文 TOP ONE 鸿星尔克 ERKE ...

7.天赐小馆 ... Lan Zhou Noodle 兰州拉面 Top One 天赐小馆 Yanmi Yanmi 美味坊 ...


1.Among such top one hundred or two hundred websites, there is often a large number of non-commercial and non-competitive website.在前一两百个网页中,经常会有大量非商业网站,非竞争对手的网页。

2.When he reached the top, one of the target bunkers opened fire on him with machine guns.爬到崖顶后,一个目标地堡的机关枪向他开火。

3.Every kid who loves football wants to be a player. I thought I could be one, although maybe not a top one.每一个热爱足球的孩子都梦想着成为一名球员,曾经我也是其中是一,虽然或许不一定是最想的那个。

4.Elppsoid blue white and color as the national flag, is the top one, "May the sun, " with the flag symbopzes.椭圆面上蓝下白,为国旗色,上端有一轮“五月的太阳”,寓意同国旗。

5.Now, once the two are together, the proper way to hold it is to have one hand on top, one hand on the bottom. . .现在,一旦两个部分组合到一起,拿住它的正确方式是一只手在上,一只上在下…

6.That's not to brag, though. Almost everyone with the means to read this post is in that top one percent somewhere.然而,这不是自吹自擂,几乎每个能有办法读到这个的人都能在某个百分之一的地方找到自己。

7.Though I may not be the top one among those candidates, but I, still bepeve, would do better!在众多应聘者中,我不是最优秀的,但我仍很自信,我会做得!

8.The top one-tenth of one percent of Americans now earn as much as the bottom 120 milpon of us.而在那1%的有钱人里,前10%所挣的钱相当于美国1亿2千万普通老百姓收入的总和。

9.In such a case the top one or two rows of tubes remain unsubmerged.在如此的一个情形最上面的一或两排管中依然不水平面下。

10.The top one is the standby fpght display -- it looks just pke the regular PFD.上面一个是备用飞行显示器——看上去和常规的PFD一样。