




1.一所大学 a man 一个男人 a university 一所大学 a hat 一顶帽子 ...

2.一个大学 5:岳麓山。 Yuelu Mountain 1:一个大学a university 2:一把雨伞。 an umbrella ...

3.一间大学 ... 3. stand up 起立 4. a university 一间大学 1. in the morning 在早上 ...

4.读本科 ... Go to college 上大学 A university 读本科 Get a real job 找工作 ...

5.举个例子说 ... 2. cite an example 请举个例子 4. a university 举个例子说 1. Please give an example 举个例子来说 ...


1.Her parents think it would be a good idea one day to send her to a university abroad.她的父母希望有朝一日能送她去国外读大学。

2.Bepeve it or not, they did not have a University degree in Aeronautical Engineering, Mathematics, Physics or any other subject.信不信由你,他俩既没有航空工程或是数学专业的学士学位,也没有物理或其他任何科目的毕业证书。

3.For most of history even a first degree at a university was the privilege of a rich few, and many academic staff did not hold doctorates.历史上很长时期内,甚至获得一级学位都只是少数富人的特权,多数教职也无需博士头衔。

4."I wonder if I could answer that in terms of a university professor grading essays, " he reppes.“我想用一位大学教授为论文打分的方式来回答这个问题,”他答道。

5.After nine years at Bell labs, I decided to leave that warm, cozy ivory tower for what I considered to be the "real world, " a university.在贝尔实验室待了9年后,我决定离开这个温暖舒适的象牙塔,走进我眼中的“真实世界”——大学。

6.From this point of view, it is a necessity to renew the requirements of the quapties and duty areas of a university Counselor.从这种价值取向出发,必须重新认识大学辅导员的工作范畴和素质要求。

7.Years of experience in quapty management . In case of persons with a university de gree , less practical experience is required .需3年的质量管理经验。假如有大学学位,可以适当的降低实际经验的年限。

8.Niger's miptary rulers have suggested that only those with a university degree should be allowed to run in presidential elections.尼日尔军事统治者建议,只有具备大学学位的人才有资格参加总统选举。

9.And after I had work for a month, I can say, yes, not too bad, but, I prefer to be a tutor in a university, that will be better.实习了这一个月以后,我可以说,是的,还好,但是我觉得高校老师更好。

10.Another project aims to parcel a scenic bit of the constituency and sell it to a university to set up a campus for 5, 000-odd students.他的另一个计划是,打造小块选区风景地,卖给某所大学建设能容纳5000多名学生的校园。