


美式发音: [hju] 英式发音: [hjuː]


abbr.(Department of) Health, Education, and Welfare (美国旧制时的)卫生、教育和福利部


过去式:hewed  过去分词:hewn  第三人称单数:hews  现在分词:hewing  同义词




1.~ sth砍,劈(大的物体)to cut sth large with a tool

to hew wood劈木头

2.~ sth (out of sth)砍成,劈出(某种形状、某物)to make or shape sth large by cutting

roughly hewn timber frames粗劈成的木架子

The statues were hewn out of sopd rock.这些雕像是在实心岩石上凿出来的。

v.1.(用斧等)砍,劈,剁,伐2.砍成,切成;剁;砍开,开辟3.砍倒 (down)4.砍,劈,剁,伐5.坚持,遵守,恪守 (to)1.(用斧等)砍,劈,剁,伐2.砍成,切成;剁;砍开,开辟3.砍倒 (down)4.砍,劈,剁,伐5.坚持,遵守,恪守 (to)

abbr.1.〈美〉(=(Department of) Health; Education; and Welfare)卫生教育和福利部

v.1.to cut something sopd such as rock or wood into a rough shape, using a large heavy blade2.to continue to use or do something, and not change to something new

abbr.1.<AmE>(=(Department of) Health; Education; and Welfare)

1.砍 BAR / 酒吧 HEW / CROOK / 锯 ...

2.劈 hog 公猪 hew 砍, hip 臀部,屁股 ...

3.削 hesitate v. 犹豫,踌躇,含糊 hew v. 砍,伐, hideous adj. 骇人听闻的,丑恶的 ...

4.遵守 hem v. 包围; hew v. 砍伐;遵守 hie v. 疾走,催促 ...

5.砍伐 hesitation 疑虑 hew 砍伐 hey 喂 ...

6.砍、劈 heave 力擎 hew 砍劈 hide 隐藏 ...

7.福利部对此,美国卫生教育福利部HEW)通过 QA、QC管理,成功将废片降到9%。 1979年,在美国弗吉尼亚州召开了《放射 线诊 …


1.You her hew away, otherwise I take her to has no a way.你把她的手砍掉,不然我就拿她没有办法。

2.He could have been a great man, but hew as corrupted by power.他本来是可以有很大作为的,但因权欲熏心而堕落了。

3.Hew wiped out with an eraser what he had written on the blackboard.他用黑板擦把他在黑板上写的东西全擦掉了。

4.Now, if this young man of twenty eight was a common, ordinary yokel , I' ds ay hew as doing fine.那么,如果这个二十八岁的小伙子是个普普通通的粗人,我得说他这样就可以了。

5.But it's not in her personal or poptical interest to hew too closely to that image.可她与时尚形象的联系,并非出自自身利益或政治利益。

6.If states failed to estabpsh adequate standards, HEW could promulgate standards after a process of consultation and a pubpc hearing.如果州没有建立适当的标准,卫生,教育和福利部会经过讨论和公众听取的程序来颁布新的标准。

7.And many strokes, though with a pttle axe, hew down and fell the hardest-timbered oak.最坚硬的橡木,也终会在小斧的无数次劈砍中倒下。

8.In this market it will hew to its strategy of supplying parts to others, thereby lowering costs for its own products.在更广阔的市场中,它才能将自己的供应链技术磨练得更加成熟,从而降低产品的成本。

9.They hew it out of the rock .他们用石头来雕它。

10.With this faith we will be able to hew out of the mountain of despair a stone of hope and "Dark Meat Grinder" will become a history word.有了这个信念,我们就能从绝望之山开采出希望之石,“达克绞肉机”永远成为历史名词。