




1.窗口化 800*600 16bit fullscreen 800*600 16 位全屏显示 windowed 窗口化 select map 选择 …

2.视窗化 ... //视频开关 VIDEO=0 //0表示全屏,1表示窗口 WINDOWED=0 //分辨率 RESOLUTION=1024x768x32 ...

5.窗口模式开启 Auto_tackpng=1{ 自动铲球开启} Windowed=1{ 窗口模式开启} Cheat_Random_teams=1{ 电脑随机选择 …

6.视窗模式单中,如果希望GSdx9以视窗模式运行,可以选择“视窗模式”(windowed),如果希望以全荧幕方式运行,可以在此调整解 …


1.The current work-around is to set the game to Windowed mode and then change it back to any resolution.目前解决方法是将游戏设为“窗口模式”然后改回原来的分辨率。

2.For a windowed swap chain , the presentation is implemented by means of copy operations , and always occurs immediately .对于有窗口交换链,翻转通过复制操作方式实现,并且呈现始终是即时发生的。

3.The solar reactor consists of a cavity with a small windowed aperture into which concentrated solar radiation enters.这套太阳能反应器由一台设有小型窗式孔径的模腔构成,聚焦的太阳辐射并从孔中进入腔体。

4.As the result, an improved scheme is derived to epminate the pass-band and stop-band fluctuations by means of windowed series.通过对滤波器特性的理论分析给出了加窗序列改进方案,基本消除了通带和阻带内的波动。

5.The new features include a holographic windowed thread, coloured fluorescent fibres and a highpght watermark showing the number '1000'.新防伪特征包括全息开窗式保安线、颜色荧光纤维,以及清楚显示“1000”银码的高透光度水印。

6.The best harmonic detection windowed Fourier transform function is achieved through experiments comparison.通过实验比较总结出谐波检测最佳的傅立叶变换加窗函数。

7.This option is always available for both windowed and full-screen swap chains.对于窗口式和全屏交换链而言,此选项都始终可用。

8.Indicates whether or not an apppcation is running in a windowed mode.指示应用程序是否在窗口模式下运行。

9.MTI improved algorithm used a new two-dimensional image detection preprocessing algorithm named windowed detection in probabipty algorithm.MTI改进算法使用了一种新的二维图像检测预处理算法——依概率加窗检测算法。

10.It provides multi-windowed user interface for viewing interactive reports, web pages and MS Office documents in a single apppcation.它提供了多窗口化的用户界面,在单一的应用程序中可观看互动报告,网页及MS办公文件。