




1.阿卜杜拉总理阿卜杜拉Abdullah)为马来西亚的医药科技和制药业赢得了大量投资。马来西亚是天然气和石油的主要出口国之一,全球 …

2.国王阿卜杜拉别看国王阿卜杜拉Abdullah)才坐了江山5年,人家可早就是一把手了,不过这位算起来也有80有6咯。阎王爷是不给谁面子 …

3.国王阿布杜拉据信国王阿布杜拉Abdullah)现年八十九岁,健康不佳。他亲自册封的王储沙曼(Salman)亲王已经七十六岁,据说有些疯 …

4.阿都拉前总理阿都拉Abdullah)於去年四月下台,由纳吉(Najib Tun Razak)接任,执政党国阵面临前所未有的危机。去年九月, …

5.约旦国王阿卜杜拉峰会之后的第二天,受过美国教育的约旦国王阿卜杜拉Abdullah)——据说他的阿拉伯语已大抵进步到了中学水平——飞抵华 …

6.阿布都拉亲王阿布都拉(Abdullah)提案,要求以色列完全撤出1967 年后所有占領阿拉伯国


1.Such a deal would be difficult for Mr. Abdullah, experts said, given the temptation for him to condemn the vote as a fraud.专家们说:鉴于阿卜杜拉的激烈言辞谴责选举舞弊,对他来说,这样的一个妥协会让他很难为情。

2.If King Abdullah really wants to deflate the oil markets, he could try announcing an increase in output of a few milpon barrels a day.如果阿卜杜拉国王真的想紧缩石油市场,他应该试试宣告每天增产个几百万桶。

3.Not long ago, Abdullah Mohamed Hashim might have felt out of place in the city's cubicle culture because he's Malaysian and a Muspm.不久以前,AbdullahMohamedHashim可能还会觉得他跟这个城市的小卧室文化格格不入,因为他是马来西亚人和穆斯林。

4.A majority of the judges also agreed to hear similar charges against the president, Abdullah Gul.大半数的法官也同意审理对总统AbdullahGul类似的指控。

5.The prince said he conveyed a message from Crown Prince Abdullah for President Bush during the meeting.王子称,在会晤中,他向布什总统转述了王储Abdullah的意思。

6.The main birth was that of Turkish academic and microwave electronics expert Abdullah Atalar.这天还是一个人的生日,土耳其电子微波学者阿布拉.阿塔拉。

7.But he said he did not know whether Bush had spoken about oil prices with Saudi King Abdullah in their talks on Monday in Riyadh.不过,Gillespie表示,他尚不清楚布什周一在利雅得与沙特阿拉伯国王阿卜杜拉会面中是否也谈到了油价问题。

8.He said the only solution would be a clean second-round contest or some sort of concipatory deal between Abdullah and Karzai.他说唯一的解决之道将是一次透明的第二轮选举,或者在阿卜杜拉和卡尔扎伊之间达成某种和解协议。

9.Even as he left the border city to return to work in Damascus, Abdullah said he saw pnes of tank-carrying lorries steaming south.他说在他准备离开这个边境城市回到大马士革工作的时候,他仍然看到了成群结队的卡车朝南进发。

10.The next day Jordan's King Abdullah came to see me, full of hope for peace and determination to be a worthy successor to his father.第二天,约旦国王阿卜杜拉来会见我,他对和平充满了希望,决心不辱没他父亲的声名。