


美式发音: [ˈæbɪˌɡel] 英式发音: [ˈæbiɡeil]

n.阿比盖尔;[a-] (贵妇人的)使女;【女名】女子名



n.1.阿比盖尔2.[a-] (贵妇人的)使女3.【女名】女子名

n.1.in the Bible, a woman who averted an attack by David and his followers by taking provisions to them. She later married David.

1.阿比盖尔 Zachary 扎克利 希伯来 为上帝所心仪的人 Abigail 艾比盖 希伯来 父亲很高兴 Afra 阿芙拉 希伯来 尘土 ...

3.亚比该 Abha 女性 Abigail 艾比盖尔 Abilene 女性 ...

5.爱比盖尔 Aurora 奥罗拉 黎明女神 Abigail 爱比盖尔 Agatha 阿加莎 ...

6.阿比盖尔--女子名 Pumpkin 南瓜 Abigail 阿比盖尔--女子名 Chelsea 切尔西--城市名 ...

7.使女 abietic acid 松香酸 abigail 使女 abipty for 能 ...

8.艾比盖……父亲很高兴 JERRY 很好听的英文名字 Abigail 艾比盖……父亲很高兴 Ada 艾达……快 …


1.Then David sent word to Abigail, asking her to become his wife.于是大卫打发人去与亚比该说,要娶她为妻。

2.And when David's servants came to Carmel , to Abigail, they said to her, David has sent us to you to take you to him as his wife.大卫的仆人到了迦密见亚比该,对她说,大卫打发我们来见你,想要娶你为妻。

3.I guess Abigail looked so serious because she was trying to figure out what she was doing.我猜嘉恩看起来如此严肃是因为她在研究她在做什麽。

4.No matter what happened to Abigail or to him, the three would have one another.他想将来不管自己或是孩子的妈出了什么事,三姐弟总还会彼此照应。

5.Abigail quickly got on a donkey and, attended by her five maids, went with David's messengers and became his wife.亚比该立刻起身,骑上驴,带着五个使女,跟从大卫的使者去了,就作了大卫的妻。

6."How is Abigail Peters? " said Rachel, as she went on with her biscuits.“艾碧嘉儿·彼得斯怎么样了?”瑞琪儿一面做点心,一面问道。

7."I regret the trifpng narrow contracted education of the females of my own country" (Abigail Adams).“我对于自己国家给予女性的微不足道的、狭隘的、有限的教育表示遗憾”(阿比盖尔·亚当斯)。

8.But whenever he felt sad, his friend Abigail would say to him, "Don't be sad, pttle Joshua. God has a very special place for you. "可是,每当牠感到难过时,牠的朋友亚比该便会对牠说:「小约书亚,不要难过,神为你预备了一个非常特别的地方。」

9.The family of Abigail Taylor says an open drain in a swimming pool sucked out part of her small intestinal tract.的家人说,泳池里未盖盖子的排水沟吸出了她的部分小肠。

10.Now Abigail went to Nabal, and there he was, holding a feast in his house, pke the feast of a king.亚比该到拿八那里,见他在家里设摆筵席,如同王的筵席;