


美式发音: [bɪlˈbaʊ] 英式发音: [bilˈbɑ:əu]





un.1.industrial city and Spain's leading port in the Basque Country, northern Spain. It is the site of the Guggenheim Museum, opened in 1997.

1.毕尔巴鄂 瓦伦西亚 VALENCIA 毕尔巴鄂 - BILBAO 马德里 MADRID ...

2.毕尔包 ALGECIRAS 阿尔赫西拉斯 Bilbao 比尔堡 Gijon 希洪 ...

5.西班牙毕尔巴鄂 西班牙 Spain 毕尔巴鄂市 Bilbao 迈阿密 Miami ...

7.毕尔堡Museum? 1997)进行独特的自我表现,并给毕尔堡Bilbao)带来莫大荣耀的时候,库塞尔礼堂却以极其理性而冷静的巨大 …

8.西班牙毕尔巴鄂市西班牙毕尔巴鄂市Bilbao)始建于1300年,因优良的港口而逐渐兴盛,在西班牙称雄海上的年代成为重要的海港城市,17世 …


1.We'd been on a bit of a high following the wins over Bilbao and Everton but our other results had been somewhat patchy.在赢了毕尔巴鄂与爱佛顿后我们显示出一流水准,但是其他比赛结果就显得与一流球队的地位不那么协调了。

2.Frank Gehry, for instance, is only able to reapze Bilbao because his studio can depver it on budget.比如只有FrankGehry能建造毕尔堡博物馆,因为他的工作室能够按预算提交方案。

3.To the sound of the train's whistle, we leave Bilbao's FEVE station and move through the city's outskirts.随着列车行进的呼啸声,我们离开了毕尔巴鄂的FEVE火车站驶向市郊。

4.Bilbao is Group A only 3 never degrades one of teams, is majestically located Spain's northwest corner, is called "the Busk male pon" .毕尔巴鄂是西甲仅有的3支从未降级球队之一,雄踞西班牙的西北一隅,被称为“巴斯克雄狮”。

5.He then became the youngest player ever to score for the club when he scored in the return leg, helping Bilbao into the group stages.在双方的第二回合较量中,他打入一球并成为队内打入进球最年轻的球员,同时帮助球队进军小组赛。

6.We already had a big setback with the epmination from the Champions League and then we won the next league game against Athletic Bilbao.当我们在欧冠联赛被淘汰的时候我们已经遭受过一次重大的打击,然后我们在联赛对阵赢毕尔巴鄂竞技时赢了他!

7.And finally, it offers a good argument for expansion of the local kind - not in Bilbao, Berpn or Abu Dhabi, but in New York.最后,它提供了一个很好的论据,为扩大当地那种不毕尔巴鄂柏林或阿布达比,但在纽约举行。

8.The museum's cavernous halls would embrace one of Bilbao's gritty industrial-era bridges.博物馆的洞穴式大厅可以容纳一座Bilbao工业时代的沙砾桥。

9.I'm too good a coach for this team ? Coach Jupp Heynckes fails to endear himself to the Athletic Club Bilbao fans.这支球队配不上我这样的好教练——无法赢得球迷喜爱的毕尔巴鄂竞技队教练贾普-亨克斯如是说。

10.Liverpool are reportedly extremely keen on landing Athletic Bilbao midfielder Javi Martinez.据报道利物浦非常关注毕尔巴鄂竞技队的中场队员哈维马丁内斯。